All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

On the day after Christmas of 2008 I was in my office working on teachings for the prophetic for my web site concerning the gifts of the Holy Spirit. As I completed the work I was meditating on the wonderful gift of God. I was thinking of how that the Spirit of God in the Greek is “pneuma” which means “breath” The Spirit of God is the breath of God. God is an eternal being and He continues to breathe His Spirit of life into our lives on a daily basis. To be baptized in the Spirit of God is a continual submerging of Gods breath on us to empower us for the work of the ministry and to be a witness of His greatness. During my meditation the Lord Spoke to me and told me to go spend time with my family and He would give me more teaching later. So, I obeyed the Lord and went into my living room with my son Josiah who had just turned 5 years old Christmas eve. My wife was lying on the couch resting and Josiah was eating a snack. I asked Josiah if He wanted to see if we could find a movie on one of the movie channels to watch and of course he was all in on that. I thumbed through the channels until I came across a movie that was suitable for us to watch. The animated movie I had found started out showing a great army and their kingdom and as I watched it I thought of the kingdom of God and the battle we wage against the kingdom of darkness and no sooner than the thought had entered my mind my son Josiah looked at me and asked “Now where did you say God lived”. I answered him and told him that the Spirit of God is in all the earth and His throne is in Heaven. I then added “and, God will live in our hearts if we ask him”. I saw my son ponder that for a second and then he looked up to heaven and said with such sincerity “Please God, live in my heart”. After praying those words he took a deep breath, exhaled and turned to me and said, “Now, God lives in both our hearts!” Had I not have obeyed the voice of God I would have missed that momentous occasion.

Jesus tells us that unless we have the faith and humility of a child we will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18: 3And said, Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. 4Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Receiving Jesus into our hearts is as simple as just asking and believing and then, God will do the rest. Sometimes we forget the simplicity of the gospel and we forget just how much He loves us and desires that we look to Him as my son Josiah did and just say “Please God, come and live and my heart” or “Please God, take control of my situation” Our father in heaven is there and forever attentive to our every need He just wants us to ask. The breath of God is there everyday a fresh and a new. He wants to guide us with His Spirit and show us His love and all we have to do is ask!

Acts 2: 21And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

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