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Wise men seek God... still.
Nice little mantra, but how?
It starts with honesty. Beginning right where you find yourself in your journey.
In a recent conversation with a young professional woman, I asked what she believed about God. Raised in a Catholic home, it seems there was a lot of turmoil, and then in her adolescent years, mom and dad split up and she was with Mom. However, Mom had a lot of issues - substances, abuse, etc., and sought out the Mormon church because of the many benefits a single mother could avail herself of--almost like a welfare system. But when the LDS missionaries came to the house to talk with them, and when her and her brother went to church, they no longer learned from the Bible, but instead, the Book of Mormon. It was all so confusing. What to do with God, religion . . . the Bible, Jesus? Ugh.
Wise men seek God ... still. I think of others such as
>my Boston taxi driver, Hakim, who has distanced himself from Islam... what now?
>a new believer in North Carolina, who seeks to know God for himself, though his family members are avowed atheists... where should he go to find God?
>a young woman who has made some wrong choices... how to get her life back on track, and with God too?
>a fellow airplane traveler disillusioned with Christian faith because of hypocrisy... but, God?
I could go on, but you get the point. People, at least if they are honest with themselves, are looking for God.
And then there is you, and only you truly know where you are on your journey with God.
So, Friend - how to seek God . . . and find him.
It begins with talking to him, and doing so with an open mind because
there is a God who loves you and wants a relationship with you.
Some years ago, I heard Lee Strobel speak of this, and how he did not believe there was a God for sure, but because his wife did, he finally prayed, 'God, I don't think you are there - but if you are, show me.'
Friends, that is prayer - talking honestly to God from your heart.
Though we may seek him, that fact is, God made the first move, and the second move, and the third, and ... well,
yes, God created us, gave us life, and desires to have a relationship with us.
Right from the start, there was a problem. After all, how could an infinite, all holy God be in relationship with finite, flawed, sinful people? Not to worry . . . God had a plan, and sent us Jesus. Through Jesus alone --> we can experience forgiveness of sin and guilt, and accept his invitation to become his children.1
Since many who are reading this have chosen to follow God, and have put their trust in Jesus for salvation, there is still the question... how do we get to know God?
We get to know God the same way we get to know a new neighbor we would like to have as a friend--we spend time with Him.
'Duh,' some say, and might even roll your eyes, because hey, you go to church and read your Bible sometimes, but alas, that is not all there is in knowing God.
Wise men seek to dialog with God;
yes, that' right; not just talk to him, but know He is responding.
So as the opportunity greets us in a New Year, let's get intentional in seeking to know God for ourselves by talking with him. Let' pray! 'But, but - I do not even know how to pray!' you say. I know, I get that, because I have heard that many times. Put simply, prayer is talking to God for the purpose of connecting with him.
A few weeks ago, I was asked this question in an email: "How do we know that God is hearing our prayers and how do we know that God is being with us ?" I am sure Madhava thought I forgot his question--not at all. In order to answer a question such as this, I consider the standard for truth. We all live by some standard, whether or not we are aware of it; since I was a little girl, the truth upon which I have stood is the Bible, the Holy Spirit inspired words of God. [I have written a lot on the veracity of scripture, on its reliability -, Archives, About the Bible]
So in brief, my friend, I know that God is 'hearing our prayers', and I know that 'God is with us' because he said so in the Bible. Just a few Bible references on these two:
-->>Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.
You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.2 Jeremiah 29.12-13
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.3
I will never leave you nor forsake you.4
Let's pray together - a simple, straightforward message to God.
Dear God, If you're there, will you show me?
I want to make good, right and wise choices for my life, will you help me?
God, I know I have messed up a lot. Will you forgive me of my sins--the things I have done that I knew were wrong, and the things I did not do that I should have done? Take away my guilt and my shame, okay?
I want to know You are there, so I will look for you as I go about my day. Will you show up? I will look to You to help me do the next right thing throughout the day.
Let me close out this prayer by saying 'thank you'. Thank you for life, for beauty, for truth and hope. Amen.5
Throwing it back to this song: oh man-
Be wise . . . seek God. Talk to him, look for his response.
p.s. Maybe you are well beyond this Morning Briefing - good! But perhaps you know someone who is just considering the truth claims of God, Jesus Christ, the Bible - is there a God? Share this with them; better yet, sign them up for Morning Briefings. Thanks!
1 - John 1.12
2 - Jeremiah 29.12-13
3 - Joshua 1.9
4 - Hebrews 13.5b
5 - just a simple prayer, just a jumping off point
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