All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others





#2.  Build on the WORD not on experience.

   Isa 55:8-13  You can not go by experiences or feelings because God doesn't always move in the same way all the time. ( Don't make people recieve it the way you have ) You can not lock God and the Holy Spirit in a box.


   Rom 10:17, Heb 11:1 Appropriating faith cannot go beyond one's knowledge the revealed will of God. Until we know what God's will is, there is nothing to base our faith on . Our minds must be brought into harmony with the mind of God as revealed in the WORD. THE renewing of the mind Rom 12:2 makes steadfast faith possible.


  Mark 4:14 The WORD is the seed, the seed of Divine life. 1 Peter 1:23 Until the person seeking the promise is sure from God's word that it is God's will to heal them they are trying to reap a harvest where there is no seed planted. John8:32


   GOD does nothing without His Word. Psa 107:20 "He sent His word and it healed them." All God's work is done in faithfulness to His Promises.

   To know is God's will to heal in the seed that is planted in your mind and heart, and it is not planted until it is known, receieved and trusted. The seed must remain planted and be kept watered before it can produce a harvest.


   1 John 5:14-15 " If it be thy will " is not planting the seed it is destroying it. he prayer of faith follows the planting of the seed (the Word ) upon which alone faith is based.


   Rom 1:16 Power of God unto salvation in all it's phases, physical and spiritual.


   Seed is poweless until it is planted. Instead of sayin " pray for me " should be saying. Teach me God's word so I can cooperate with it. "


   We must know the benifit of Calvary  before we can  appropriate them by faith. Psa 103: 2-3 Our attitude toward sickness etc. should be the same as that toward sin, and the fact that we are forgiven.


   Mark 11:24, Heb 10:35-36 By observing these we can always bring to pass the fulfillment of any divine Promise.


   Heb 6:11-12 Practice this    Heb 10:35 Don't quit before the manifestation Heb 6:18-19


to be continued.

































god's work is done in faith to His promises.





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