All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


We are going to see how important it is to work with God. First, let us take a glimpse of our awesome God!

The following words from a book I was glancing through inspired me and I saw how awesome our God is! Let me reproduce the reply given by Dr. Eli Mordechai to Jon Bennet in
the Book THE LAST DAYS as written by Joel Rosenburg -

“No, no. Not just God. A God Who is at war with evil. A God Who has a plan and a purpose. A God Who has the awesome, fearsome power to achieve that plan
and accomplish that purpose.”

He went on to say, “Jonathan, I have spent my whole life lurking in the shadows, cultivating sources, paying off informants, desperately hoping I would find my enemies before they
found me. Why? Because, I wanted someone to put a bullet in my head? No.
Because, knowledge is power, because what you don’t know can kill you.
Because the more you know about your enemy, the more likely you are to
outlive him.”

From reading this, I became aware that the Church of Jesus Christ has forgotten who her God is…and so she is weak in her confidence in Him! She is presently in the dark and not aware of
the inroads that the enemy has been making to deceive and side-track
many, many precious believers from knowing their AWESOME GOD. In these
closing days of time before our Lord Jesus Christ returns, let us know
our Awesome God and be bold to do His bidding -the Bible says, “My
people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4: 6)

Every born-again Christian has been deliberately chosen by the only true and living God at a high price – the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ and
given the privilege to wage a war against evil and rescue as many
unbelievers as possible from the kingdom of darkness and bring them into
the knowledge of salvation through the ministry of reconciliation.

However, the born-again believers do not know this or they are complacent about this high and holy calling in God and the enemy has been making inroads
into the time given to them to accomplish the God given task by this
AWESOME GOD Who is at war against evil continually.

Many Christians are saved and happy for they hope to get to heaven and so they live careless lives and find no time to know the will of God for
them and to wait upon God in prayer and to hear from God and obey Him.
Many of them compromise with the ways of the world when the Lord has
said, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If
any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all
that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes,
and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but of the world.” 1 John
2: 15, 16

As born-again Christians we have allowed the devil’s false doctrines and half truths and compromise to become a snare to us. As believers many are ignorant of the enemy’s plans and schemes to
deceive them and keep them in fear and in bondage.

The Lord Jesus Christ has commanded believers to be doers of the Word and not hearers only. He said search the Scriptures and know the will of the Father in

This is the reason why Jesus said in His sermon on the Mount in Mathew 7: 21-23, “Not every one that say unto Me, Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that does the will of My
Father which is in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord,
have we not prophesied in Thy Name? and in Thy Name have cast out
devils? And in Thy Name done many wonderful works? And then will I
profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, you that work

Believers, we are living in the last hours of the last days and there is a great need for the truth and the light of the gospel among the unbelievers around us. Are you aware of the time in
which you are living and the high calling of God in your life to do the
Father’s will? Are you playing Church or are you about the Father’s

There is a war going on for the souls of men day and night and it is time to awake out of indifference and slackness and find out who we are. We need to find our your part in the out working of
God’s plan to rescue the perishing in our day before it is too late for
them or too late for you when you are unable to do for whatever reason.

Remember Queen Esther? Chosen by Almighty God and placed by Him in a strategic position to rescue the Jews who were threatened to be wiped out by the
evil plan of Hamman? When she was hesitant to play her part because of
her comforts and her enjoyment of being the beloved Queen of the great
King and not willing to help, she was given a timely warning –

“For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy
father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come
to the kingdom for such a time as this? (Esther 4: 14)

This awesome and fearsome God is our God and He has a plan and a purpose for you in His networking and it is time to heed His warnings for the time
is at hand and there is much to be done. Every believer is chosen with a
plan and a purpose to accomplish the will of God but He needs your
co-operation. He has placed you where you are and if you are ready to be
totally sold out to His will then His awesome power will accomplish His
purposes through you against evil.

What is your reaction? Are you hesitant, like Queen Esther? The hour is late and the time of His coming is at hand! Are you afraid to speak the truth that sets
captives free? Have you forgotten His Grace and Mercy that reached out
to you through the Gospel and brought you into His Family?

Some one cared for your soul and prayed for you and reached out with the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is the power of God unto salvation, and you
sere saved.

It is now your turn to pray for souls and reach out with the same Gospel to others around you – your world – and bring them out of darkness and into His marvelous light. The Gospel is the power of
God unto salvation.

You are the light of the world (your world) and your light must first shine in your home, among your loved ones and relatives, your neighbors, your suburb or your City and then reach out
further. His command is preach the gospel to every creature around you –
the ones you work with, where you shop, etc. etc.

Though many of us think that unless we go overseas we are not fulfilling His command. If He has told you to go – then go by all means! Do the will of the

I thank God for the Internet and the many souls that can be reached in different places through this provision. I do thank God for Evangelist Mona Rolid and all of you that have web sites
and using them to spread the Word of God!

Let us, each in our corner believe His Word and take our place as sons/daughters of God and do what He wants us to do as we are accountable to Him. He has
blessed you with all spiritual blessings in Christ and given you the
power of the Holy Ghost and equipped you to do His will in such a time
as this!!

Our God is an awesome God and is against evil.

The coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is at hand so let us be about the Father’s business!

Margaret Wright

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Comment by Sharon Mbatha on July 12, 2010 at 7:11am
Amen Sister,thanks for waking me up from my "slumber"-
Glory to God!

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