All About GOD

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One Voice ... One Shepherd. John 10.14-21

One voice … One Shepherd.   John 10.14-21

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Key verse: They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.  John 10.16

Again Jesus says, I am the good shepherd.  Our Lord has had much to say about sheep here in John 10—he has talked about the good shepherd vs. the hireling, that he is the Door to the sheep, and that he alone is our Good Shepherd.  The Good Shepherd leads his sheep because he loves them; he protects them from going the wrong way, from the path that leads to destruction, and he is willing to die for them to save them.  Indeed.  Oh, how he loves us!

Jesus taught of how the sheep knew and recognized the voice of their shepherd and followed him accordingly.   One might think that was just in ancient sheep herding practices—not so.  Take a look at a recent videoclip I found—from Bethlehem:  Did you hear the bedouin shepherd’s call to his sheep?  No wonder a flock would recognize the voice of their shepherd!  It was unique, and distinct.

Your shepherd has things to say to you as well.  We must never forget that our communication with Jesus is meant to be two-way.  Folks often ask, ‘how can I be sure that what I am hearing is from God?’  For instance, let’s say you believe God is directing you to do some specific thing—how do you know it is God?  First, simply ask God, “Is this message truly from you?”  Does the direction fit with God’s character?  2) Is it Scriptural?  3) Is it wise?  4) Does it fit with your own character? 5) What do people you trust most think about it?  Seek the counsel of godly friends.*

It seems that, as much as I want to hear from God….I must slow myself down, and deliberately remind myself that he wants to communicate with me—so that I am better able to hear from him.  Just as the sheep listens for the unique call of his shepherd, I want to be desirous of hearing from my Shepherd; I want to be aware of his promptings.  There is something about my being faithfully in his Word that increases my ability to hear him!  And I am aware that self-centered, self-focused thinking on my part can silence God’s voice in my ear.  Good Shepherd, speak to me.


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