Everyone has his own kind of intelligence, psychologists tells us. Some people are mathematically gifted, others socially and yet others musically. Stupid is an expletive, a mean and despicable word.
Howeverd, the word fool is not such a word. It is a word of warning that should bring us to a standstill, which should cause electric shocks to go through us. Some people are indeed fools. The Word of God identifies them:
* 'For the fool speaks folly, his mind is busy with evil: He practices ungodliness and spreads error concerning the Lord' (Isa 32:6)
* 'But everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who builts his house on sand' (Matt 7:26)
* '... men are without any excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him ...' (Rom 1:20-21)
We live in a century in which all the knowledge of humankind is at our fingertips and before us on the monitor. He is a fool, however, who imagines that the knowledge thus at our disposal is more than 0,00001% of the depth of wisdom and knowledge and wealth that can be found through respectful search for God.
Lord, how often You are just a vague awareness, an uncomfortable reminder! How sinful I am! When I ponder Scriptures like these, I can only call out: Although I am privileged to know so much about You, I regularly act like a fool. Forgive me and renew me! Amen!
(A Daily Walk With God - Maretha Maartens)
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