I was a in a happy family with Dad, Mom, brothers and a twin sister. My life is full of family’s love. I’ve never been alone since I was a baby. Maybe that is the reason why I’m afraid to be alone, I’m scared of loneliness, I hate to be alone. My family and my twin sister are always beside me. I was so sad when my twin sister got married. I decided to get married with the man who I love so much this year but he doesn’t believe in God. I didn’t ask God permission about that because I was afraid that God’s answer would be NO. I was afraid to be lonely. I didn’t ask Jesus to come to my life even I know that is the good way. But I’m too weak to overcome this.
Everything was prepared just for the wedding and my boyfriend said that he doesn’t love me anymore. And we broke up. It seems like all doors close to me. I don’t know what I should do. I was so depressed, disappointed, hurt and sad. At that time, I knew that I really need God, I prayed to God many times and I read Bible to seek his guide. (I already wrote in my first blog with the subject GOD HEALED MY HEART).
It’s amazing that God healed my heart and the most important thing that I’M NOT ALONE ANYMORE. God is beside me. I’ve never thought before that I could do this, but I did it. I couldn’t do this by myself. God did that. It’s really amazing and it’s really hard to explain. I don’t feel lonely anymore. I don’t afraid to be alone anymore. God’s really kind to me. He still took me back even I was sinful and got away from him before.
After 1 week past, I wake up and I remembered the verse that I don’t know exactly where it is. It likes the word that God want me to hear II Corinhtians 5:17: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is
Yes!!! I changed, I don’t feel lonely anymore!!! God did that!!! It’s really amazing!!! He always works in way that we can’t see!!!
I’m going to have a new life with Jesus!!! I know that there will be more challenges. But whatever it is, the most important thing that I’m still in God way.!!! Thanks the Lord!!!
I agree with you that all part of God's plan. I'm learning to let go and I'm learning to be a woman that God want me to be. God bless U!!!
A wonderful sharing Na Na! Like you I was raised in a happy family with mom, dad, older brother John and younger sister Judith; from my parents I saw what a truly sacred, God-blessed marriage should be like; unfortunately the relationships of my life to this point just never have had God's blessing in order to grow and survive the trials of life. I supposed it is all part of Gd's plan in molding me into the man I ought to be.
Thanks Charles!!! Thanks for the chorus: "TRUST AND OBEY". Your 2 precious that you got after everything happened are great!!! God bless you!!!!
Dear Na Na
I rejoice with you because I can really relate to your situation . The big difference was that I ( in my heart ) knew that I shouldn't marry this person but I was so lonely after a divorce and wasn't listening to God. About 3 years she suffered a brain anyurism ( sp? ) and passed away after only 2 days.
I believe that God new what was coming and tried to spare me ( and her ) from this but I was too stubborn to listen. After this happened He led me to DC where I worked , lived and learned among the homeless at the Central Union Mission. He had me in a stable environment where He taught me so many wonderful things about Himself.
I left DC 30 years ago but am still learning from experiences I had there . 2 of the most precious we
1) I will never be alone again .
2) As long as I walk in obredience to Him He will ALWAYS provide for me.
He has showed me the 2nd one so many times that I am ashamed wherever I worry , even a little about how I will get by. I could literally write a book and never touch the surface.
He also taught me to find a place to get completely alone with Him. I have had many such places as I have traveled much. But as many times as I have moved from place to place He has always been there to guide me as I yield to Him. And to allow things to knock me down to get my attention.
A beautiful song I learned while at the mission was " Trust and obey ". My favorite part is the chorus which says : " Trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus , but to trust and obey.'
Those words are as true as if they were actually taken from the bible itself .
God blesss you as you seek His will in your life.
Thanks for your encouragement.!!! God bless U!!! I already added you as a friend!!! I'm happy to have a friend, sister is Jesus!!!
I'm glad that you have faith in God. God is with you and will always be if you let Him. He is the only one I know who does not disappoint. He is ever faithful. I'll keep you in my prayers. Lord I bring my sister Na Na to your throne of grace, bless her, guide her and strengthen her on her faith journey. Let your light shine before her so that she will draw closer to you. Give her courage and remove all fear in her life, In Jesus' Mighty Name I pray. AMEN!!
God bless you.
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