All About GOD

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                                                      Nations in your hands


  Today, our mandate from the Lord is to earnestly pray for our country. The Holy Spirit does impress this point upon me/you now as never before. This is an urgent message that must be conveyed to every child of God. The welfare of our nation is indeed in our hands. We are responsible for the welfare of our country. You are born in this country for the Lord’s specific purpose. The Lord wants us to be patriotic towards the nation that supports us. Christ cried out for Jerusalem. Paul chose to be cursed to save his countrymen. Daniel opened the window three times everyday and prayed. The patriots, prophets, and stalwarts including Ezra Nehemiah, and Esther prayed for their native countries. How can I face the destruction of my own people?  Was their lament.


Today, the Lord wants us to travail for our country. Terrorism abounds. Divorce rates are mounting high. Racism is on the increase.

Pornography has become quite common. Men are crazy after money and materials. Premarital sex and abortions are common even among the teenagers.  Atheism is widely spread. Homosexual marriages are legally accepted. People have indirectly asked God to step out of their families, educational institution and the like.

Fighting between political parties has reached an all time low standard.  Everyone is at odds with one another.  The enemies of the Lord seem to be, becoming stronger as the days go by. Telecommunication channels and inter net are the tools of the devil. Evil forces are becoming more and more courageous in coming against Christ and His church. Gangsters, who were very rare in earlier days, have been institutionalized now. The country is filled with every kind of abomination and injustice. The people are at a total loss.

      We cannot blame the people, or our leaders, for our state of affairs. The liability rest squarely on our shoulders. Our failure to pray for the welfare of our country has brought this nation to its lowest level. There is no escape from total destruction unless we, the children of God raise our voices to the Lord. Unless and until we intercede for our nation, the country will certainly be turned into the ‘Dead Sea’.

 Either the country will know its God, or it will die. We must realize that the country has not received its true freedom. We are yet to receive our freedom from the spirits of darkness, from the abominable idolatry, from the spirits of murder, fornication, and adultery. As days go by, the country is sinking deeper into the mire. Any child of God who is not seriously concerned about this will certainly be accountable to God.

Life To Life Ministries.

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Comment by Lena J on March 21, 2013 at 8:36am

Heavenly Father, Creator of all that is, I stand in agreement with Pastor Simon that America, and indeed the World, is in need of divine rescue, before it is too late. Father, I bow before You in humble confession for the sins America and the nations of World have committed against You in thought, word, and deed! 

Father God, in ignorance we have corrupted the true meaning of the institution of marriage; disgrace is upon us. Yes, we have fallen into Satan's web of lies. 

We have failed in leadership of our youth; their sins are atrocious. We have failed to meet the needs of the infirm and destitute; their cry is our shame! 

Daily we pollute the planet with toxins, showing little regard for its condition and that of Your precious creatures who breathe to live; we are indeed pitiful!  

Within all nations lie a cesspool of sin and depravity: the days of Noah and that of Sodom and Gomorrah are evident everywhere, including our schools and universities! Oh Lord, please turn Your face away from our lewd behaviour. 

Your Commandments we no longer keep, and we even neglect to say the Lord’s Prayer in schools and public institutions. We are truly sorry, Father God, for our transgressions. We repent of our sins and beg forgiveness.

Please incline Your ear to our heart-cry, Father God. Please cause our hearts to long for the precious teachings of our Saviour Christ Jesus.  Cause us to hear and respond to His voice. Thank You, Father.

 In the precious Name of Jesus we ask grace and mercy. Amen!"


“If my people, which are called by my name,

shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face,

and turn from their wicked ways;

then will I hear from heaven,

and will forgive their sin,

and will heal their land.”

(2 Chronicles 7:14)


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