All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

this weekend i was going about my motherly duties when God started talking to me. He told me to write it down, so i did. then He told me to share it. i wasnt very excited about sharing it because i am still a new christian and not everyone that knows me knows that i serve Christ now and honestly i was scared of being rejected. but i prayed about it all day and God did not change His mind. He kept pushing and kept telling me to share it. so, finally before i went to bed that night i said ok Lord i submit to your will. i will share it and if just one person is saved it will be worth the rejection of everyone else. so i posted it on my facebook and emailed it to everyone in my address book. the very next day my cousin, who hasnt been on speaking terms with me for years because of a past fight, contracted me. she wanted to know how i got saved and how she could too. ITS AMAZING! ive been guiding her as much as possible with the help of the Lord ever since and God willing soon her eyes will be opened and her new life with Christ will start. now i do not take credit for her being saved, because that was just God working through me, or for what i wrote because those are the Lord's words and i just wrote them down but i want to share them with you.

I have never lived with such peace and contentment before, but since ive come to Jesus I am at peace with myself, who I am, and the world around me. Since ive been saved ive been happier than ever before, a better wife and mother, and I feel safe in any situation. My worries and anxieties have vanished and I feel like I am finally seeing clearly. I used to tell JT “I have no purpose to my life. Besides being a wife and mother I’m not doing anything at all with my life.” Now I do have purpose, serving the Lord with all that I am. Do you know why some Christians call themselves “reborn”? Because when you truly come to Jesus it’s like entering a completely different world. Everything looks different. Everyone seems different. You become different. It’s like living your whole life with beer goggles on and then one day having them taken off. Or being born blind and one day being able to see. “I once was blind but now I can see!” Or living under water and then finally coming up for air.

I went through my whole life believing in God, but I only came to Him when all hell was breaking out in my life. Jesus was not a part of my daily life. I was saying that I believed in God but living as if he didn’t exist and all that it got me was depression and a struggle just to make it through the day. I was drowning and when I felt like I was getting in too deep I would reach out for Jesus and He would grab my hand and pull me out of the water. But when I felt better and had lungs full of air I would let go of His hand again and sink. Now, I have grabbed His hand and decided to NEVER let go and by doing that I CAN walk on water.

Jesus is standing on top of the water just waiting for you to come to Him and let Him save you. If you’re like I was and drowning, you need to grab His hand and KNOW that you can walk on water as long as you hold on to Him (with Jesus ALL things are possible). If you’re drowning and won’t let Him save you, then when He does come back it will be too late. You’ll realize you’re drowning but His hand wont be there anymore. If you’re one of those who are putting serving the Lord off until tomorrow or until you have more time (“my hands are too full with life right now, I’ll grab onto Him later”) one day very soon it will be too late. Jesus IS coming back, like a thief in the night without any warning and tomorrow might be too late. Do you feel like you need to be a better person before you come to Jesus? (“I’m all muddy and covered in sand. I need to clean up before I can let him pull me out of the water”). How can you truly get clean when you’re drowning in the very water that’s making you dirty? Do healthy people need to go to a doctor? No, only the sick go to the doctor. So, why then can’t a sinner (the sick) come to Jesus (the healer)? Do you want to be saved but just don’t know how to? Just reach your hand out and Jesus will grab you.

My friends, embrace Jesus and accept His gift… the “good news” that the bible is talking about. By embracing Jesus, truly loving Him, serving Him and staying faithful, all your sins (past, present, and future) will be forgiven. That’s like having someone tell you “hey that money I lent you, don’t worry about paying it back. Oh by the way here’s some more, and if you need more later ill give you it to you, and I will keep no record of your debt and you wont have to pay it back.. EVER”. Could you really resist that?! It’s amazing. If you have a firm grip on Jesus then He will lead you into heaven and you will have eternal life, but even if you believe in Jesus (“yeah I know he’s standing right there on top of the water waiting to grab my hand and save me”) but you don’t have a firm grip on His hand, then you will die. The sharks are circling just waiting for the signal to strike, so don’t wait. Let Him save you now before its too late. So now ask yourself, if the judgment day was tomorrow would I make the cut?

If you don’t believe in God, why not? Would it be so horrible to “waste” your life believing in something that makes you a better person and brings you complete and total happiness and contentment? Wouldn’t you rather go through life feeling so amazing that you feel like you could walk on water rather than feeling like you’re drowning? wouldn’t you like to be able to let go of all of the negative things in your life and magnify the positive? If you feel like you’re drowning, or depressed, or just feel like something is missing in your life then you need Jesus.

Do you feel like its just not logical to believe in God? Well, here’s some food for thought.. Just like mother Teresa said I’d rather go through life believing in God and then die and find out there isn’t, than live not believing and then die and find out there is. After all if you go through life believing in God and being a good Christian and then die and find out there is no God, then what do you lose? Nothing. But if you go through life living for yourself and not believing in God and then die and find out there is, what do you lose? EVERYTHING. So now tell me.. What makes more sense, believing or not believing? Would you bet your life that there is no God? Well, by not believing that is exactly what you are doing. I am standing here, on top of the water with Jesus friends, telling you grab His hand and hold on tight before the sharks begin to strike.

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Comment by Sharon Mbatha on July 15, 2010 at 2:41am
Wow what a wonderful message,thank God for you!
Glory to the Lord Most High!

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