First off, I would like to extend my sincre graditude to the creators and members of this wonderful site! You all are true inspirations of how we are intended to love and support eachother in the holy name of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. I pray for all of you!
I think it would be best to start a story at the beginning, therefore allow me to give insight into my past and past experiences as this I believe would assist greatly in forging meaningful fellowship with all of you.
As a child I grew up in a home where I would say that I had my fair share of both good and bad. I recall that even from a young age my interest in the Lord steadily decipated until I reached a stage (round about 14 years of age) where I started investing my interest in the occult. For a long time I was thoroughly lost in the lie and I cannot say that during that time I had been happy. To be honest, it was the lonliest and heartbreaking time of my life.
Thanks to some wonderful friends and family and ESPECIALLY Jesus, I awoke from the nightmare and escaped the pain and resentment. It was so hard for me in the beginning to accept that I had been forgiven, even though I had completely broken the second commandment....
"You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not acquit anyone who misuses his name."
Even now at times guilt takes me for a long ride through the past and as I read scripture I at times are reminded of that which I have committed against my creator...against the only person who had loved me so much that He made the greatest sacrifice of all, His son. I am greatful that at these times the Lord shows me other scriptures which give unto me the hope and strength I need to break free from guilt. I realized that when I acknowledge Christ as my saviour that I never had an idea of the true meaning of those words. Christ died for me...FOR that God could love me for eternity, so that God could look upon me and not see sin alone but the person which I am, Jesus died for me in order that I may be blessed with eternal fellowship with God.
With this knowledge I can begin, live and end each day closer to the Lord. Jesus has become my best friend, my companion, my teacher, He has become the love flowing through my soul and the rock on which I put all hope. Through my frienship with Jesus I have begun to understand who the Holy Spirit is too, for (and I realize this will sound completely insane) as long as I can remember I have had what some would say is an imaginary friend, but I believe it to be the Holy Spirit as I have always received advice beyond my abilities and companionship which I strongly believe that a non-existant figment of my imagination could never provide thus leading me to recognise this "little voice" as the Holy Spirit confirming that the Lord my God has NEVER left me even when I had forsaken Him, He NEVER left my side. EVER. (I can't stress this enough)
Today I am happier and lighter in spirit. I can recall so many times that the Lord stepped in and changed my course of direction. If not for Jesus Christ I would have been raped, murdered, lost etc. I say this not lightly, for there had been more than one occassion where the Lord truly saved me - I could never thank Him enough. I am looking forward in sharing my experiences with all of you as I have still much spiritual growth to undertake.
Thank you for reading the start of my story, I hope to grow closer to all of you and through that grow even closer to my Savior Christ Jesus our Lord.
May our Heavenly Father's name be exhaulted above all things alive or dead for all eternity! Amen!
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