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My Apps: Having taken a profile test on Spiritual Gifts Test (1.0)_Mar 02nd 2010

Your Top Three Spiritual Gifts.pdf

My Top Three Spiritual Gifts

(1) Server
A server has the God-given ability to recognize a need and administer assistance
to others. In relation to other believers, this releases them to utilize their Godgiven
gifts (e.g. Deacons in Acts 6:1-6, 1 Corinthians 12:28, and Romans 12:7).

Characteristics of a Server
1. Willingly meets the needs of others
2. Has a hands on approach
3. Precise and orderly
4. Detail oriented
5. Friendly, and enjoys helping
6. Has trouble turning others away
7. More interest in others than self
8. More short term orientated than long term
9. Goes above and beyond what is asked of them

Challenges for a Server
1. Criticizes those who are not serving
2. Helps others to the extent of neglecting own family
3. So enthusiastic to help, may come across as pushy
4. Does not like to be served
5. Saddened when unappreciated

(2) Teacher
The God-given ability to study, research, explain and communicate truth (e.g.
Paul and Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:2).

Characteristics of a Teacher
1. Logical presenter of truth
2. Confirms truth by examining facts
3. Enjoys study and investigation
4. Uses biblical illustrations
5. Detests Scripture used out of context
6. Establishes truth biblically
7. Objective rather than subjective
8. Accurate presenter of truth
9. Tests the information of others
10. Intellectual, disciplined, emotionally stable

Challenges for a Teacher
1. Can neglect application in exchange for information
2. Slow to accept views of other
3. Prideful due to knowledge
4. May be legalistic and dogmatic
5. Easily distracted by love of new interests

(3) Prophet
The God-given ability to communicate the message of God in relation to the truth
already revealed (Jude 3). It is not necessarily or even primarily a prediction.
Rather, it is done for the purposes of encouraging, strengthening and comforting
(1 Cor. 14:3). These have the ability to perceive the spiritual needs of others and
meet those needs through Scripture.

Characteristics of a Prophet
1. Able to recognize good and bad and hates what is bad
2. Sees clearly not dimly; no foggy or indefinite areas
3. Recognizes character in people, whether good or bad
4. Encourages repentance for the glory of God
5. Sees the Bible as the foundation for truth
6. Courageously holds to spiritual truths
7. Powerful and persuasive speaker
8. Distraught over the sins of others
9. Sees their own shortcomings and those of others

Challenges for a Prophet
1. May be judgmental and upfront
2. Delights in goal accomplishment not forward progress
3. Forcefully pushes others toward spiritual growth
4. Intolerant of other views
5. Struggles with self image

Your Spiritual Gift Scores
Server: 22
Teacher: 22
Prophet: 19
Exhorter: 19
Leader: 19
Giver: 18
Mercy: 17

Views: 73


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Comment by Peter TAN on March 2, 2010 at 6:36am
Well not sure though. I was just adding this App and was prompted to try, so I tried taking this Spiritual Gifts Test (1.0) for profiling i think . . .
Comment by Prophet on March 2, 2010 at 1:38am
HI Peter

This is very interesting, but how does one score the answers?

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