All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

 The year was 2000. I was living the high life (or so I thought) I was single, had a good job, my own house, and I was just enjoying this spontaneous lifestyle that I created for myself. Nobody to worry about but myself.

 Then Lynn walked into my life. She was different than all the other girls that I dated in the past. Life was too easy before she came around. She was able to get me off my so called high horse. She was exactely what I needed.

 So, we had a courtship that had a few bumps along the way. I wasn't used to having a person knock me down a couple pegs. She loved me unconditionally, even knowing that I never wanted to have children. In fact she decided to marry me after knowing this.

 She never mentioned a word about if I would change my mind or not. So what does she do? She displays it in front of me. (well played Lynn, well played) She didn't do it on purpose, its just who she was.

 As I witnessed these displays of nurturing my tone started to change. We were at a wedding  and I was sitting on a chair just staring at her playing with this little girl on the dance floor. At that moment I said to myself, "I can't deny her a child."

 About the same time, her mom came up to me as if on cue and mentioned how much her daughter loved kids. I just nodded and continued to stare at my wife having fun.

 Without even thinking I called her over. In front of her mom I said, "okay we'll try." With a puzzled look on her face she replied, "try what."

 Well the three of us cried as I told her that maybe we should try to have a baby. I never understood what unconditional love meant until that moment. I made her very happy and this is where my story starts.

 To be continued.........

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Comment by Tammy on January 15, 2013 at 5:31pm

Beautiful thus far brother

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