All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others



Today is a sunny but cold day here in Ontario with temperatures at 18F (with wind chill feels like 9F). We are presently under a storm warning with high winds and expecting about 7 inches of snow from Sunday 6pm - Monday 6 am. As I type this I am listening to Charles Price from People's Church in Toronto. If I am correct this church is non-denominational. Mr. Price is a excellent speaker, I appreciate his Biblical knowledge . He presents his sermons in a way that all can understand.

It is obvious that I have been absent a fair bit and the reason for this is (1) work. Since we started our new programs in the homeless shelters we have been much busier and as a caseworker its become somewhat hectic. My day(s) off are often limited to one day after a four/five day day week. I have two three day shifts and then I get two days off. The one day off is more like a "recovery" day. In the past few months and just about a week ago one of our regular female customers was found murdered a few blocks from where I work, We have had at least one man die in his bedroom. We send several men to the hospitals for mental health issues, alcohol and drug related problems which often involves the Police. Last Thursday we had a man who was caught physically assaulting another man at the shelter. He was informed he would have to go to another shelter for at least a week (its what we call service suspension) however as I spoke with him he started talking about suicide and mass killings and 911 was called and Police took him to the hospital to be checked out by a psychiatrist. (2) Personal health issues. My work does have a lot of stress which affects my health. I am a diabetic which means I take oral medication as well as two different insulins, humalog and lantus a total of 119 units of injections. I also have to watch my blood pressure and am on medication for that. There is a reflux problem. I have arthritis down the whole left side as well as the right knee (I suspect partially due to an old soccer injury). My blood pressure is higher than normal and that may be due to (3) Family Problems. Within 6-7 months I have lost two family members that I was close to, one from lung/brain cancer and the second one from a massive stroke about five days ago. I was unable to attend their funerals. In order to keep closer contact with my family and other folks I have upgraded my cell phone to a Blackberry so I can receive calls/e-mails. The only problem is I'm trying to figure out how it all works. Modern technology can be so complicated for an old geezer like me. (4) I AM A PROCRASTINATOR.  In August 1985 I bought a book authored by Jane B. Burka, Ph.d. & Lenora M Yuen, Ph.d. simply entitled PROCRASTINATION I have read only the Introduction. Enough said.  Someone at work suggested I retire since I have reached the honourable age of 65 and my response is I can't afford it. The cost of living is skyrocketing and am unable to keep with it. Also I have lost a lot of money I had invested. Besides what would I do with myself? eh? I had 8 days off earlier this month and spent that time cleaning up my place (pre-spring clean up) putting together book shelf to accommodate my new books. My library consists of at least a thousand books. I just received my new pulpit commentary set ( $1,000US for $169.00 - how can anyone over look a bargain like that?).


I do read posts but may not always reply. I am working on more of my "Spiritual Ramblings" and my "DEVOTIONAL THOTS" and am preparing articles on BIBLICAL STUDIES.

Now I want to be perfectly clear. I am NOT complaining about all the above if there are those who say I am I apologize for my intent is only to share (and ask for your prayers) so that folks would be aware why I am not always replying to posts. I am setting up a schedule to reply to as many posts as I can. I do read as many but can't always reply as quickly as I'd like to. 


The above challenages constantly remind me of my favourite passe, " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil 4:13. I know God is with me He has blessed me so abundantly and my cup does indeed flow over with His love, comfort and blessings of all kinds. In Phil 4:19 Paul states God supplies all his needs - both physical and spiritual. Blessed be the Lord.

Edward Klassen

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Comment by Gord on February 20, 2011 at 8:12pm
" I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil 4:13. - The pastor at my church discussed this very passage today Edward. It sounds as though He is using you in serving the needs of many others. Indeed we must praise the Lord at all times - thanks again for reminding me of that. In Jesus name, I pray that God may comfort you in all ways. Keep the faith. Your Brother in Christ. - Gord

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