All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

    I am a man of second chances. Or, more accurately, I’m a man of many second chances. God has lovingly shown me the fullness of His grace more times than I can remember.

    Even though I grew up in a great Christian family, I chose to go my own way until I was in my late twenties. It was then that God gave me a big second chance, revealing Himself to me in a way that only He ...could orchestrate. Finally, at 27, I recognized my sin and repented. The old had gone; I was a new creation!

    In late 2009, God gave me another huge second chance at life. Wendy, the kids and I were making our annual Christmas visit to Jamaica, where Wendy’s family lives. Forced to land in a blinding rainstorm, our plane crashed off the runway onto the seashore. One moment everything was as it should be – all orderly and tidy – then literally in the blink of an eye, noise and chaos exploded and, just as suddenly, everything went silent and black.

    As the emergency lights flickered to life, I saw my boys climbing out from underneath ceiling panels, wires and luggage. Our daughter’s baby seat was upside down in the foot well. She was frightened but safe, and we carried her as together we scrambled onto the wing toward safety. As we put distance between ourselves and the dangers of the wreckage, God’s miraculous favor was undeniable.

    The most vivid thought that flashed through my mind in all of this was the simple, obvious truth that life is brief. God does not promise us tomorrow. As such, we have to make the most of every day. Every decision we make, especially about where we are going to spend eternity, is critical. We must deal with these questions today… now.

    If you are in Christ and know Him personally, this truth is for you: the old you has gone and the new has come. You’ve been given the ultimate second chance!

    Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 that because of this transformation, we are committed to the ministry of reconciliation. We are Christ’s ambassadors and “now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of Salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).

    God gave us this ministry of reconciliation, the message that He is reconciling the world to Himself through Christ. He has entrusted this message to us. Let’s make the most of that privilege!

    Look at your life right now. Are you a pastor or the head of a nonprofit? Think about your ministry. We all need to identify where and how we are consciously delivering God’s message of reconciliation. He has created us for this very task. As we in faith begin intentionally sharing, we will start to see the miracles that He is doing all around us. We will grow and move forward. Let’s do this today. We have no time to waste!

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