All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Mother’s Powerful Prayer

I thank God for having a mother like you….

You may not be perfect in the eyes of others.. but you are in the eyes of mine.

For every tears that flows in your eyes because of the pain that I’ve caused you, doesn’t make you turn away from me….

Instead!!!….. You keep on praying for me….!!!

Thank you for your prayers whenever I walk away from you……

Thank you for praying my safety…whenever I’m out and nowhere to be found…

Thank you for praying everyday and every night that one day I will be change for the better…

Thank you for your earnest with soberly heart prayer that one day I will come to know God….

Thank you for praying without ceasing that in God’s perfect time I will receive my salvation…..

You may not remember those but I want you to know that because of your earnest prayer.. God answered everything….

God leads my way back to you and never let me walk away from you… because you pray for it….

God put me in a place where I am safe… because you ask Him to protect me..

God touch my heart…. because you ask me to be a better person…

And one day…I came to know God…. because you pray for it earnestly..

The perfect time of God came!….I accept the Lord Jesus Christ in my life as my Lord and Savior….”I RECEIVED MY SALVATION”…because you never stop in praying..


Now!!!  Our faith is being tested …the enemies have taken away your memories…. But I know and by faith God has a purpose for everything…You may not be able to read this message but I know God will use somebody to read it for you…

Soon I will be with you…because God answered my earnest prayer to be with you and read for you His anointed Words and remind you of His goodness & faithfulness till the end..


 What I became now……….. Is God’s answer to your Powerful Prayer…!!!!!!   “I LOVE YOU MAMU”


"Two things must never be underestimated in this life. The first is the "LOVE OF GOD" the second is the influence of a "MOTHER'S PRAYER".


“God showed his love for us when he sent his only Son into the world to give us life.” 1 JOHN 4:9……


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