All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

This is probably one of many posts that I will be making. This is the first one I have ever made but after reading some of the other blogs I've realized that this is a good way to put down my thoughts and get feedback from others. I titled this the meaning of life because I am sure that lots of people often wonder what the meaning of life is. I've been thinking about this for many years and I think that finally I have it. Life is what you make of it. Everyday is different and life's meaning changes with it. This past few months my family has been going through some hard times. My Great Aunt died first. She was a great lady who was very dedicated to family and church. She was a wonderful mother, grandmother and aunt. She helped take care of my mom after her own mother died when she was a baby. We spent so much time with her and her family she was like a grandmother to us. We loved her and looked forward to visiting her every summer and holiday. Every body took her passing hard. Then four days later my Uncle died. He was my mother's brother. Because my mom was the baby and only girl, all of her brothers took care of making sure she had what she needed and they made sure that she got a good education. I love all of my uncles because I grew up with them and this was especially hard for me. This morning I found out that one of my favovrite cousins passed away. He spent most of his life getting in trouble and being in and out of jail. He passed away in jail. Every one of these people had their own defition of life and they lived their lives according to what that definition was. Take time to enjoy your life everyday. Stop worring what the meaning of it is. Enjoy it because even when it's changing, God stays the same and what you learn everyday is a lesson from Him on life.

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