All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

"But seek first the kingdom of God and HIS righteousness and all these
things will be added to you."

It amazed me how everything is revealed to me since that time, I seek for HIS love. Never an easy journey but worth it. And as I walk farther to go more personal with HIM the deeper I get involve things falls into place. Awesome is the way to describe it! When those days I walked like a blind lame woman...this time I feel HIS light and HIS strength working in my life. If before I have to ask almost everyone if my decision is right this time, I just have to listen to HIM and I know what I'll do will never go wrong. PEACE is one of the best gifts HE bless me with. Sleeping with NO FEAR(just like how Jordan does his dunk in one of his NIKE endorsement)gives me the most comfort since then.Why not, WORRIES, CONCERNS , ISSUES, all the negatives one by one HE peeled it off my system. For years, these adversities clings to me like a leech and each time I have one of those in my days, I will be weakening allowing the bad force to attack my spirit with so much ease. Easily I crumbled, and easily I submitted to sin. A reality that i have been avoiding until that very day, I confronted it with too much shame.

One afternoon,seated in a nook of one those coffee shops, i frequented (Bo's), I stared and looked in all people busy with so much...networking, reports, some smiling, most engaged in a serious discussion, I saw an aged woman, dressed, accessorized and heavily made up as she passed in front of me with her mug of coffee. For some reason, I seemed to be gazing at her as if searching for something. I followed her until she had herself comfortable in one of the couches. She pulled her mobile and started talking. Unaware still, I tried to read her lips and face expressions. Just as our gazes locked, I see how sad her eyes were. A pair of eyes that is incomparably beautiful except there's something in there that caught my attention. I looked down , ashamed of being caught ....

Until I was in the cab, the look never left me. The thought of seeing her actions, he smiles, there's something that makes it in contradiction with the eyes' expressions. I never stopped thinking even in my sleep. The next day as I was having my coffee struck me.....'EMPTINESS' yes!!! that was what I saw...her eyes are beautiful but her gaze is sad, it's empty, it's mournful. The lashes, the very dark brown eyes , deep seated can't conceal what's in the soul, what's in her heart.

That picture of reality embedded into my very being...little did I know that I am her,too!

Too busy with making life, so preoccupied in believing I can make my kids and my life beautiful. Forgetting that I have no control, forgetting that I AM NOBODY! There's someone up there who have my life in HIS HANDS!

I should say, from that day on....I can't contain my shame. I am becoming more conscious how a sinner I am. And things, become to change, I noticed that even in a crowd (I used to go out at night with friends....)I still feel empty. The longing is hurting, the void is painful. The contentment is no longer there. The thirst and hunger is bugging me more....

I shook it off for a while. Until one day, I find myself feeling so alone. I hugged my pillow and cried harder than I ever had before. I whispered, LORD, make me whole again. To you, I submit ME!

That was 2008, and as I am walking on, I have each steps covered with GOD'S grace.

That very moment that I seek for HIM, he made HIMSELF available. I never asked for appointment instead, I just coyly told HIM, you know I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life filled with you.

Walking on in faith is what sport I am into right now! It is open to all!

Registration is right in your heart. Embed JESUS and let your love overflow!!

Have a great Sunday everyone! Go and worship!!!

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