All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Making Sense of Salvation Through The Trinity

The trinity:

God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), God the Holy Spirit. Three functions in one. The Son, Jesus, came out of the Father, who embodies also the Holy Spirit. The functions, the Father and the Holy Spirit, infinitely produce the third function, the Son. The Son encompasses totally the spiritual DNA, so to speak, of the two adjacent functions. Similarly, all three functions represent one another and combined exemplify God. The Son, an infinite derivative of God, enters the flesh to become also man.


The way it works:

Now, Jesus proclaimed that once we receive the Holy Spirit we also become children of God. Yet, that doesn’t mean we instantly become like Jesus. Our spirits (the eggs…mentioned below) have been separated from God. For that reason, when we become saved, our spirits transpire into an egg-and-sperm fertilization phase. Our spirit is processing, or becoming fertilized by the Holy Spirit. Whereas Jesus, whose spirit came directly from God, was never separate from God, thus was spiritually mature at physical birth (His egg was already fertilized).

To say again: When we receive the Holy Spirit we take in God’s essence, becoming freshly established in God. Jesus, unlike us, was already fully established (mature) in the spirit of God when He came from the Father into the flesh. How do we know the spirit of Jesus is purely and fully of the spirit of God…

There are only two powers in this world, good and evil (God and the enemy of God). The separation from God of mankind in the fall counted us His enemy. In order for any one human to manage a perfectly obedient life on this earth during the biblical era, or any era for that matter (to absolutely please God one must be totally infused by God because anything outside of God is considered an enemy), he would have had to encompass a fully developed spiritual DNA of God, depicting an already advanced holy spirit of his own where no separation ever existed (Never having a break in the chain link DNA). For instance, we cannot absolutely reflect God’s spirit until our spiritual DNA’s completely match by way of full fertilization (it’s as if we [the saved] reside in the spiritual womb of God, not yet ready for the BIG delivery, at which point I think we will resume at a young stage of development, as infants maybe). As we increase by way of the Holy Spirit (think of the Holy Spirit here as the sperm that fertilizes the egg), the ideologies of our fallen condition depart from us and we begin taking up the spiritual DNA, or spiritual ideologies of God. We remain incapable of developing into spiritual adulthood here in this world because limitations were placed on the world we live in due to the enemy’s inhabitation, which ultimately is the primary reason we need Jesus to make way for us to achieve new life (that way demonstrates Jesus’ healthy cell; meaning His innocents in the flesh that He extends to us through His forgiveness [His forgiveness permits us to bond with the Holy Spirit whom encompasses Jesus’ innocents and will indwell us, marking us innocent—The Holy Spirit becomes our membership ID]). Our DNA chains have been broken and the Holy Spirit through Jesus’ perfection and intercession revives their proper development, but the final DNA product won’t be accomplished until we depart from this place. Furthermore, Jesus’ life continues to substitute our spirits’ missing DNA link, our innocents. He is our life-line. He is the DNA element that restores our life. Without Him, we remain broken and lifeless.

Imagine this. Further in terms of biology: We need Jesus to see us through fertilization because restoration of a broken cell can only occur through introduction of an equivalent cell that is not broken, which fuses to promote new, healthy cell growth within a subject. For example, think about a set of twins in the womb of their mother. Twin number one fails to grow a vital organ, but twin number two grows all healthy organs. Twin one will die and twin two will live. But, what if the twins had been joined together as in a unique case of conjoined twins? Many times we see that the healthy twin prompts the continued development of the unhealthy twin to birth and beyond. The healthy twin is infinitely significant for filling that post in the underdeveloped twin’s life. Without the conjoining, the underdeveloped subject would cease to reproduce new living cells and the babe would die. (As an added consideration, once restored, the original injury cannot regenerate; only life can reproduce)

Another example is to think of a subject who was badly burned and needs skin grafts. The healthy dermal cells are grafted into the unhealthy tissue to promote nourishing new cell growth even though there usually remains a distinguishing scar. However, we don’t have to worry about personal scars in heaven, because Jesus carries them all.

Even after we’ve been joined by the Holy Spirit in the womb we need Jesus to remain seeing us through life eternal because He forever represents the vital organ that pumps life into us. He forever represents our innocents by putting to death our sins, and innocents is the core element (organ) promoting our eternal life. It is our relation to God, delivering us from status of His enemy. It is necessary for growth. Sin stumps growth. Life (innocents) reproduces life (innocents), and even though death, falsehood, cannot reproduce, it can mimic, interfere, and stop life’s reproduction. Yet, if we are saved through Christ, the death factor of our current situation has been dealt with already and life resumes in us. So then, the question remains- Why did Jesus “receive” The Holy Spirit right before His ministry if He already embodied the Holy Spirit?

Jesus required a new line of communication with the Father after He entered a corrupt genealogy. Even though Jesus exemplified the Spirit of God, already, He represented an exclusive function of God. Therefore, under His new fleshy condition, He needed to reestablish a communication connection. Think of it in terms of the Son of God reentering the womb of God to become physically reunited through a placenta. Through the placenta, the Father and Son reestablish a direct means of communication. This had to occur because Jesus became veiled in human flesh and the Holy Spirit produces the connection a spirit hidden in the flesh needs for ongoing communication with God. To make it clear, though, Jesus was not separate from God when He merged with the flesh (He still exemplified and represented God, having the same Holy Spirit; in other words, of the same spiritual DNA in which prime development was reached, making Him an acceptable individual function of God), but He was and is a unique function of God, so when He entered the flesh, a new form, He needed to establish an updated mode of communication. Through these observations, I find myself more aware than ever before just how intimately related Jesus and I are.

Jesus restores me, praise God! Jesus functions as my foundation. He makes possible my life, carrying me through current chaos and into everlasting joy. The way it works: Jesus’ innocence replaces our missing link, His forgiveness is our permission slip, and our faith receives His permission and collects the missing link. Life restores, and the saved become one unit under God just as a family is identified by DNA and goes by the name of a father. Amen?

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