All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Yes that is true, so many of us let hate fill our lives and let history been in the present time that you can't figure out where are you exactly.

I was as young child been molested by a uncle of mine, and I "hate" him for that, and I find it out when I was been treated for stress after a nervous breakdown, which I thought was my husband who put me there.

Yes my husband had lots of affairs and I was always feeling out, like "he didn't love me" or "why should he love me" "love is not meant for me at all". WRONG

When I was hospitalized and get to speak to a docter and he hipnotised me when I realised the reason for my absence of "being loved by someone else" was not the one who really loved me but from the one who hurts me the most.

I was angry at first, I even filed for a divorse, I was angry because they didn't love me.

I was hospitilized for 6 weeks, and after that I cannot even speak to my husband, because I thought it was his fault, and of cause he didn't love me, knowone can love me. We had so much arguments that the best way out is to leave him, on that time my children get involved and they have to choose where they wanted to live with, so we move to a other town, only on weekends the kids are together, then still my husband come for a visit, but we often speak to each other and still I wanted a divorse. I was very angry, everything possible that was wrong in my life was his fault, I begin to hate him, get in any what so ever argument with him, and after a devastating long weekend he left and I feel free again.

He phone me and then I keep it short, and after all he still keep on saying "I LOVE YOU".

Of course I will not recognise it because I hated him so much that where I was living it was to close, and I don't want to see him any longer, but what about the others then.

I begin to feel the quilt in me and then just one day I realise that the only one who truly deeply love me I hurt the most and then the pain started again, WHY could I do it to him and still he saying I LOVE YOU, and I speak to the Lord and ask him Lord what road should I take now, I argue with the person who you send to me by love, the person who loves You and aswell the one you chosen for me, please please God help me to correct my problems from childhood please, so that what had happen when I was a child be in the past and let me live for the future with the only one who truly loved me.

The reason for the subject is that so many people around the world had so many arguments with the ones who truly loved them and the only way out for the pain causing in the past is to argue with them, so please keep them and accept the loving which you get from them because they wouldn't love you if it is not chosen to be.

God's love to all of you and keep on saying to the one who said I LOVE YOU, the same back, because you are Loved

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Comment by Tikkie on December 26, 2009 at 12:43am
It is true.We don't look at the one who truly LOVES US.OUR LORD LOVES US and it is ON HIS LOVE that we carry on

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