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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I have given them Thy word, and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world,as I am not of the world. ( John 17:14 )
Both the world and worldly Christians are offering attractive opportunities for the exercise of Christian graces and seek to enlist in their benevolent project those on whom they look as men and women of success. And there are temptations for such as are full of goodness, compassion, and energy. Especially alluring are movements designed to advance morality, to help and elevate
the unfortunate, to reform those who have fallen into evil ways, to correct social and civic evils.
They seem to offer opportunity for the exercise of spiritual gifts and knowledge.
To many Christians, such challenges are very attractive. It is said, Here is a chance to do good; and, on this ground, joining such movements is justified. It is argued: Is it not right to help men to be better? Is it not serving Christ to help such movements as are desighned for the betterment of society? Ought we not to do all in our power to aid even "Christian" plans and schemes that aim
at the moral uplift of the unfortunate, the degraded, the fallen?
From the standpoint of the world such efforts are undoubtedly justifiable; from the standpoint of Christianity it is quite a different matter. That they benefit the world will not be denied; that they promote the interests of the Lord Jesus Christ is much more than doubtful. The world, not the Lord Jesus, is their object. The world seeks its own things, not the things of Christ. It is the love that is of the world, not the love that is of the Father. It is the glory of the world that is sought, not the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Life To Life Ministries.: 91 9447817735

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