It is always interesting for me to read about Solomon. Only God could give such wisdom to a man like that. The crown of wisdom that established him as a wise king , was his Judgment concerning the two harlots. They both "claimed" to be the mother of one child. The one rolled over on her child in her sleep , and it died. She then slipped her dead child in the bed with the other woman , and claimed her child as hers. Then , the two women came to Solomon to solve the puzzle before the people. He called for a sword to split the baby in half and give each a half of the child. The one woman agreed to that and the real mother cries out , do not kill the child , but give it to the other woman , so it wouldnt be killed. Solomon then discerns the real mother by her love and willingness to sacrifice the loss of her child , so that it could live . All that and without a" DNA" test. Anytime we run up against hard decisions , we need to put the love test to it. Love will always win out . May your path be guided by Love.
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