All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Love and Miss You...Have another request... Its been a crazy day here...and PRAISING our MIGHTY GOD thru it all!!!

Calling all Prayer Warrior Sisters and Brothers .. This is NOT an emergency really as there is No one is Ill no ones received a bad health diagnosis or anything of that nature. Its about our lil greeting card business needing prayer MUCH right now... The battle is on ,,YES... We serve and honor an AWEsome GOD though, Kent, my Hubb's, and i are soooo praying for GOD'S Perfect WILL in our lives and in our Business as we always do ...BUT,, the battle is on, not only in the hecticness we all go through daily,.  So many of us have Graduations, raising kids, taking care of others needs, as in our aging parents, etc.. .. But now not only have our card sales slowed some during the winter months past, there is the problem, of the other BIG Card company pushing us out of the stores that already do carry our line of greeting cards..This is how we feed our family here and pay our bills.. So I'm reminding myself and others during their times of stress, this  VERY TRUTH>>>>>>>>  GOD IS BIGGER than ANY issue we go through and HE IS IN CONTROL!!!  We received a phone call from the distributor just a hour ago this evening.  They are now saying improper untruths about us to the management of Fareways..  So in my ramblings here everyone, I wish to ask for prayer in reguard to all of this for GOD'S Will for all issues in our lives .. That we will be obedient to HIM, Pray and Wait on our LORD, dispite the American Greetings Distributors deceitfulness.. There is a bit of doubt now if the FW Management will be telling us..  Tomorrow Kent will be making some phone calls to the main offices... Which is why we're reaching out for prayer from all of you..  We are sooo thankful to GOD for all HE has done and will do in your lives, in our lives, too .  Also I am thanking all of you, my Prayer Family for reading all of this short novel :0)  WE PRAISE YOU FATHER GOD!!!  HalleluYAH!!!!

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Comment by Dena Elwood on May 15, 2012 at 7:20pm

Truly, this is an honor... I thank You... I will try to give an update later...Today we have already had news that wasn't great but it could have been much worse... Either way, my heart my soul, my spirit MUST PRAISE our Loving Merciful SAVIOR and LORD,,,HE IS my DESIRE!!!! HE IS the ONE to go to no matter what,,,I MUST TRUST in HIM ALONE... Praying my Hubb's will grow in his DESIRE for the LORD also, he is closer but we can NEVER really stop, quinch our desire for GOD ALMIGHTY...amen...

Again,,, Thanks sooo much Sis...Hugssss de!!!

Comment by Mary O on May 15, 2012 at 7:01am

I ask God to prosper your family. I'll be praying too.

Love and God bless,


Comment by Dena Elwood on May 14, 2012 at 9:17pm

Ahhh, with all my heart i thank you for sharing your time for us...What a blessing this is...PRAISING our GLORIOUS LORD for HIM and for the way HE has blessed me with PRAYER Family too!!!  Hugsssss from IOWA and prayers are always included too!!! de

Comment by feet breath on May 14, 2012 at 9:08pm

I prayed for your cards and business. May He cover your bussiness, cards and anyone involved with the blood of Jesus, guraded with His angels and a blessing of a thousand! IJN amen

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