All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

(If we are deeply concerned about the state of the church; if we shudder to see God’s holy Name abused and misused, not only by the world but also by His own people; if we are determined to obey God and be used by God no matter what it costs us–if we are not careful, we can become harsh and judgmental and so very, very blind to our own sins. We must always carefully examine ourselves and invite God to do so also. We must see our sins as He sees our sins: vile, disgusting and what caused Him to sacrifice His only Son. It is so very, very easy to overlook our failings as little and inconsequential. It is so very, very easy to think that this little thing that I am doing (or not) is easily overlooked by our God because, after all, He knows my heart and how it beats for Him. God’s Word says differently. We are to be constantly on-guard. We are to examine ourselves in and by His holy Word. We are to compare ourselves, not to others who are not as holy as we, but to the great and holy Almighty I AM Who is everything that we are not. Scriptures exhort us to examine ourselves and watch lest we fall.

We can’t trust ourselves. We can’t trust what we think that we are doing for God or be fooled by our own supposed righteousness. We cannot trust our own hearts (as we are so often counseled to do) for Jeremiah 17: 9 says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Furthermore, I Corinthians 10: 12 says, “Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.” We can be absolutely sure that we are the holiest person in the church only to be the most vile in God’s sight. It’s the hidden sins that will often get you.

So, dear brother or sister, examine yourselves carefully in light of God’s holy Word and ask the Lord to examine you also–as will I.)

It’s easy to point fingers at others. Rarely do we think to point a finger at ourselves.

When one is passionate about God, busy for God, and concerned about the things of God, it is easy to forget how vile a sinner we really are.

When we love God so very much and we are walking as close to Him as we know how to do, and we are absolutely certain that we are walking in His will, it becomes easy to let our priorities slip.

We can all fall into this trap if we aren’t on-guard.

I can fall into this trap…easily.

I have to serve on this committee…so I don’t pray as I should.

I have to teach the ladies Bible class…so I leave off my personal Bible study.

I have to do so many, many things for God…that sometimes, I forget just to be with God and grow in Him.

So, tonight, I ask, “Lord, is it I?”

Lord, is it I…who forgot to praise Your holy Name today?

Lord, is it I…that sat down to eat without remembering where my food came from?

Lord, is it I…who went through my day thinking about everything except Your Holy Word?

Lord, is it I…who wasted Your time today…time that You have commanded me to redeem?

Lord, is it I…who loves my husband…even for a short time…more than I do You?

Lord, is it I…who put preparing dinner on a busy night ahead of attending church?

Lord, is it I…who are teaching my children by example that their activities are more important than attending church to worship with Your congregation?

Lord, is it I…who could take time to play with my little ones but couldn’t find time to read Your Word to them?

Lord, is it I…who held onto anger because I had been sinned against…forgetting how much I’ve sinned against You…and how You still forgave me?

Lord, is it I…who had money for dinner out this month but not for the missionary who needed it?

Lord, is it I…who, when others started gossiping to me about my neighbor, listened instead of walking away as I should have?

Lord, is it I…who so easily passed a judgment on a family at church instead of praying for them and seeking ways to serve them and show them your love?

Lord, is it I…who gave someone something that they needed so very much and then made sure that they knew it was from me?

Lord, is it I…who in some way served a needy family and then made them feel small by my words or actions?

Lord, is it I…who made excuses for myself when I told someone that I was too busy to do something when the truth was I just didn’t want to do it? Who lied so easily when all I had to do was simply say, “No, thank you”?

Lord, is it I…who sold You anew for a movie that I really wanted to watch…even though it didn’t honor You?

Lord, is it I…who talked to my neighbor for an hour-and-a-half today but couldn’t find 10 minutes for You?

Lord, is it I…who just had to visit the shut-in’s and prepare meals for two new moms (what would others think of me if I didn’t?) but ignored taking care of the family that You gave me? Who hoped that my husband and children wouldn’t notice the nice meals that I am carrying out the door as I serve them frozen pizza…again?

Lord, is it I…who just had to have that new outfit…even though it meant dipping into money that I had put aside for You?

Lord, is it I…who let that profane word come out of my mouth…and out of my heart?

Lord, is it I…who selflessly served someone…only to let my attitude show that it really wasn’t so selfless?

Lord, is it I…who have listened to modern thinkers for so long that I now unkowingly live by their philosophies…instead of Your Holy Word?

Lord, is it I…who so easily ignores Your commands to respect and obey my husband? Who sees being submissive as old-fashioned and oppressive rather than as the beautiful comparison to Christ and His church that it is?

Lord, is it I…who re-defined my sin as “a problem” “an addiction” “a mistake” instead of what it was…vileness unimaginable?

Lord…is it I?

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Comment by Anna Wood on September 1, 2009 at 9:01pm
Dear Charles,
That is my husband's name, by the way. I thank you, brother, for your wise and thought-provoking statements. There is nothing more dear to me than my Lord and nothing I like better than to hear Him well spoken of or to speak of Him myself so speak on, brother, speak on. You aren't are teaching and biblically based teaching, edification and correction is what we are here for after all (if it weren't, God would take us home).
God bless you and you "keep them coming" also.
In Christ,

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