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Good day~
lifesaver |ˈlīfˌsāvər| noun
"1 (informal) a thing that saves one from serious difficulty 2 a ring-shaped life preserver." Do you need a LIFESAVER? Sometimes when my back is against the wall, and there seems to be no place to turn, I read stories of people with great faith in the Bible, and take comfort in seeing how the Lord cared for them--how He heard from Heaven, and met them. One of my very favorite is found in 2 Chronicles, chapter 20. Does trusting God really pay off? Well, you be the judge. . . read 2 Chronicles 20.1-30, ( If we were sitting in the same room together, I would stage this with army men, positioned across a canyon, on opposing hillsides. Jehoshaphat (ruling king of Judah) is made aware that he is about to be attacked by a 'vast' army. To say that his back was against the wall would be a huge understatement! But let's watch what he does. . .
Jehoshaphat prays to God for help, and declares a fast. (Remember how Jesus said that some things can only be accomplished through prayer and fasting?) Clearly, Jehoshaphat is a respected leader, because the people do just what he says. Then, J. stands before the people, and prays--he starts out with words of adoration and praise, thanking God for how He has taken care of them until then. He concludes his prayer with, "we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon You." (how powerful are those words?!)

The Lord hears his prayer and says, "Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's. Jehoshaphat takes his strength from this word from God, and further encourages the people to believe in God's deliverance. J. trusted God--he took Him at His word--and then he encouraged the people to do the same. That's what a good leader does--he influences his people for good--'do not be afraid or discouraged. . . the battle is not yours, but God's.' (You might want to go back through the passage, underlining or highlighting the key inspirational verses)

What are you up against? Let's stop right here, and pray--"Lord, from across this land, to my friend Rebecca in Kenya, to Paul Sundeep in India to Jim here in Southern California--for any of these who are 'up against it', we pray. We know that nothing escapes Your notice, and nothing catches you by surprise. Would you take our situations--marriages, jobs, financial ruin, cancer, and ______. . . would you fight these battles, God? We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You. In your powerful name, Amen"

Meanwhile back on the hillside with Jehoshaphat. . . what happens? As the people are marching down to face the battle, J. appoints men to sing praises to God--(can you just imagine what the opposition was thinking as they heard them coming? Crazy Jews)--so sure of the victory God had promised them. The opposing armies turned on each other, and completely destroyed one another, and J's men never had to fight! Can you believe it?! God is faithful; God is trustworthy. God didn't just help J's men fight; they never had to fight at all. That has not changed in 3000 years--God wants to fight our battles, dear ones. Surrender to God what concerns you; turn it over to Him, and invite Him to fight the battle for you. He's big enough.

We talked about the importance of right thinking in yesterday's briefing--which is critical if you are 'up against it'-- if you are in a battle. Are you scared? Then recall God's words to Joshua, "Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1.9) Memorize that. 'Worried? Trust God, and may the 'joy of the Lord be your strength.' Fix your mind on Him, and on things worthy of your thinking. 'Feeling guilty? Confess your sins--turn from them--and receive forgiveness. Then, if condemning thoughts enter your mind; renounce them because they are not from your Father. One of my favorites: "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust in Him, and He will do it." (Psalm 37.4,5) I've said it before but arming yourself with verses like these, are like having arrows in your quiver--stretched across your chest, ready to be accessed at a moment's notice.

Yes, for me this story about the faith of Jehoshaphat is a LIFESAVER. It has held me up when something threatened to take me down. . . I hope and pray it will be the same for you, Tracy, Kim, _________. . .

Grace and peace to you,
Christine (DiGiacomo)

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