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Life Is Not Fair

"Love your neighbor as you love yourself." - Galatians 5:14

As long as you hate your enemy, a jail door is closed and a prisoner is taken. But when you try to understand and release your foe from your hatred, then the prisoner is released and that prison is you.

Perhaps you don't like that idea. Perhaps the thought of forgiveness is unrealistic. Perhaps the idea of trying to understand the Judases in our world is simply too gracious.

My response to you then is a question. What do you suggest? Will harboring the anger solve the problem? Will getting even remove the hurt? Does hatred do any good? Again, I'm not minimizing your hurt or justifying their actions. But I am saying that justice won't come this side of eternity. And demanding that your enemy get his or her share of pain will, in the process, be most painful to you.

May I gently but firmly remind you of something you know but may have forgotten? Life is not fair. That's not pessimism; it's fact.

Warm Blessings,

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Comment by Larry J. Baucom on September 4, 2009 at 6:58am
Forgeting; We as Christian Love to Forgive, & Forget, but that Depends on the Situation! To Forget, When You are Used, & Betrayed, & Serious Hurt, the Person that Betray You, Should Know, & Admit He, or She was Wrong! Then Come to You, Asked for Forgiveness, or Say they were Wrong, or Say I'm Sorry, or I Didn't Mean to Hurt You, Do Something, etc. Read Psalms, Chapter 1. To Me that takes a Person that has a Conscious, & a Heart! And I Believe Most People Will Never do that! Our Families, Our Schools, Our Government is Being Destroyed By Satan, & We Just Stand By, & Forgive, & Forget! Christ Taught Humility, Stand Up for the Truth, Not Waver, & this Generation, & Past Generations has Lost Humility, & the Truth! We are Not Second Rate Citizens as Christians to Not Stand Up to Be Christlike! We Forgive 490 times a Day, Plus, & just Forget what Our Enemies, Friends, & Even Family are Doing to Get Us Become Like Them, or Not to Serve Jesus! It is Very Difficult to Have Peace with God, Impossible, if You are Sinning! God is the Only Judge, but Discernment is Wisdom, & Knowledge! The Flesh was Born in Sin, it's Not Easy to Master the Flesh! That Why Jesus Died in Your Place, Wrote his Holy Word, so You Could Overcome the Flesh, Evil, & Have Eternal Life! Forgive, & Forget can Only Be Done in the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, & that Spirit Lives Within Us! We Forgive Anyone that has Used, or Hurt Us, No Matter What! That is the Best Medicine for the Soul, & Christ Taught Us That Thru Only His Love! Forgiving in Christ
Comment by florencio m. cañete on September 4, 2009 at 6:46am
yes i so admit myself before, life is not fair in this temporal physical world...have u closed your eyes recently and think, meditate and analyze your innerself?...i have and i realized that deep within me were rooted hatred, anger, vengeance and all the contents of pandora's box were inside my heart and nurtured them even. Then i read somwhere in the Holy Bible just recently, maybe two months ago when Jesus said Pray and believing you received and you shall have them..i introduced faith in me, and i prayed and prayed and prayed. well, up to this writing i am regularly reading the bible every friday evenings up to saturdays before lunch...and so i evicted the intruders in my mind and put on the throne of my mind the real me sans or at least minimized the negative attitudes i have had opened my eyes, my heart and my inner self and i say life is good and no evil can come nigh me for as long as the words of God is in me..
Comment by Tikkie on September 4, 2009 at 2:14am
What you said is true and it has been proved also.But ONLY OUR LORD CAN GIVE US THE STRENGTH TO DO IT
Comment by Larry J. Baucom on September 3, 2009 at 11:03pm
Life isn't Fair, but Justice is! And God's has Everything in Control, & what is Common for One Person is Common for Everyone! No One Escapes Trails, Tribulations, & Adversities! We Bring it on Ourselves, being in the Flesh, & being Sinners! By the Lord's Death, & His Grace, He Saves Us, & Forgives Us for Our Sins! We Reap What We Sow! Just because Christ Forgives Us for Our Sins, We Still have to Answer for those Sins! Only Thru the Holy Spirit can You Learn Forgiveness, & Christ's Example on the Cross! I can Forgive, because Christ Forgives Me Thru His Love! And I Deserve Hell! Jesus Said, if You Don't Forgive Others, My Father in Heaven Won't Forgive You! Who can Throw Any Stones! To Forgive is Just, & Honorable, but No One Says You Have to Forget! The Reason You Don't Forget, is because it is a Lesson to Learn, & that Way You can Prevent It from Happening to You Again! Forgiving has Nothing to do With Forgeting! To Forgive is Wisdom, but to Forget is Not Wise! That Doesn't Mean that You Meditate on It! Many Take Advantage of True Christian, because their Hearts are on a Higher Spiritual Level in Loving, Forgiving, Giving, Caring, Sharing, & Walking the Extra Mile! That is Part of the Christian's Life! Do You Ever Feel Like You are Used being a Christian? Just Like Christ Said, If You Love Me, & Follow Me, You Will Suffer! Read, I Peter, Chapter 4, Verses 12-19. Paul Knew that Suffering Glorified the Lord, & Asked to Bring Suffering On! Eleven of the Twelve Disciples Died a Horrible Death! Why, They Served Our Savior Jesus Christ! Unless the Holy Spirit Reveals that to You Thru Christ's Suffering, You Will Stay in the World! The Greastest Gift that You can Leave Humanity, is to have, No Bitterness, When You Die! Also, the Greatest Gift to have When You Die, is to be Right With God for Eternity! Three things for Your Peace: Mind Set on Christ- Isaiah 26:3-4, Trust Him Totally, No Matter What Happens! Psalms 119:153-160, Stay in His Love Letter to You, the Word- Isaiah 34:16. Feast on the Word Every Day! I Never Close My Holy Bible in My Home, It Always Draws Me! Jesus Said, if You Love Me, Obey My Commandments! Obeying Brings Blessings, Deuteronomy 28:1-14. Disobeying Brings Curses, Deuteronomy 28:15-20. May the Lord Enrich Your Soul, Until You Stand in His Presence! But Every Knee Will Bow to Jesus Christ, for He is God, & the Creator of Everything! Finally, Jesus Said, if My Father Doesn't Draw You, You Will Never Know Me! And If You Don't Come Thru Me, You Will Never Know My Father! Blessings Thru God's Holy Word! Yours Truly in My Savior: Jesus Christ
Comment by maggie hancox on September 3, 2009 at 9:45pm
Life is not fair, but God is always fair and just.
He will avenge all of your foes and collect your tears in a bottle.
One of the biggest wonders is when he does both of these things by giving to us a forgiving heart and thereby setting us free.

70x7 Hallelujah!
Comment by John Snow on September 3, 2009 at 7:09pm
The word of God also states, vengence is mine sayeth the Lord, it is very hard to forgive, but if we look at what Jesus did for us, and he did nothing wrong, except one thing, and that was He loved us, and died for us, so if anyone that shouldn't forgive it would have to be Jesus Christ, he died and he did nothing we all deserve to be in the fires of ---- for what we have done and some still doing. so it was written and so let it be done
Comment by Terry Duncan on September 3, 2009 at 4:36pm
Q Will harboring the anger solve the problem?

A No

Q Will getting even remove the hurt?

A No

Q Does hatred do any good?

A We are to hate sin.
Comment by felixpadua on September 3, 2009 at 4:29pm
but a song says all is fair in love!

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