All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Why is it so hard for me to let go of my past

How I long to wipe it clean so I'll be free at last

I'lve always heard people say time will help you heal

Although I try to block it out the pain is still so real

Lord I know I am your child and when you look at me

You see me through your eyes of love; oh how I long to see

Myself they way you do free from guilt and shame

More than a conqueror by the power of your name

Show me Lord what it is you want me to learn

From the past mistakes I've made and help me to discern

To seek out your guidance before I make a choice

Help me still and listen so I can hear your voice

Then supply me with the strength I need to do the task

Fill me with your presence in your holy name I ask - Amen

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Comment by Texanbrit on October 20, 2011 at 5:50am
The enemy seeks out your weakest area, to target and has a "field day" doing so, Romans 4:7, "Blessed are those who's transgressions are forgiven, who's sins are covered." The enemy has no claim over you whatsoever, God has already paid the price for our sin and iniquity the victory in His and we have a claim to that victory through His precious blood.

Speak the name of Jesus in to your thoughts and fears, because our sin is paid for, we have no debt to pay in that respect. When you speak the name of Jesus in to ANY situation the enemy HAS TO flee!!!! I pray that over you this morning!!

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