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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I recently found out something about my family's past that has been bothering me. I find it quite difficult to forget about the past, I know we are suppose to let go. I honestly don't know how. I forgive the men in my life for taking my innocence, but when I see one of the men, I get really mad and sometimes cry. But anyway, when I think about the past I get so upset. I blame the men for messing up my childhood. I sometimes think if they hadn't I would have a been a better person today as far as making good decisions when it comes to choosing a mate.Well, two days ago I was in the bathroom trying not to cry especially in front of my two kids. I have to remind myself daily what God says about forgivness and being kind to others. The man who I looked up to took other children's innocence. I was so shocked and hurt. One of my friends told me I can't change the past, but I will definitely pray about this. Incest happens everywhere and can really destroy a person's life. The only thing I can tell myself and others who had been victims and victims now is to hold on to God's unchanging word and let Him in your life. I will persevere with the Lord's help and be a blessing to others. I will let go of what has put alot of hurt on me. God Bless you all.

Love and Peace

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Comment by David Velasquez on August 7, 2010 at 4:50pm
Sis it is an unfortunate common sin among families.

How can one let go. I tell you how I have been able to get beyond child abuse. I asked God to give me compassion for the lost. To give me a bit of his heart for the lost. As I continued to abide in Christ He did. And I started to feel sorry for the condition they find themselves. Completely enslaved to sin and evil ways. I started to feel so privilege that God had rescue me from my own depravity/mud and started to ponder on the fact that I have been forgiven of so much myself, how can I now being saved from the coming wrath not speak to them about my Lord.

I first had to truly forgive them understanding that they may not even feel they need my forgiveness nor wanted. But I had to do it for me and for my Lord. So I did (not always possible to do for some because of the death of the person or etc) verbally tell some family members that had abused me in all sorts of ways as a kid that I forgave them. That I wish that they would come to the knowledge of Christ and that I was praying for them. They had no reaction. One called me about a year later and asked me to pray for them and to introduce them to the Lord. So I did, to God be the Glory. By abiding in the Lord and doing as His Spirit commanded me life has been good.

OHHHH and guess what? The Lord has been so good to me. I am an old dude, but I love healthy animation movies for kids and fun stuff. Part of my heart is like a kid’s heart, but of course I am very much a man in life's responsibilities.

It is possible to forgive and even love those who hurt us in the past. Love never fails sis.
Comment by Charles Burwell on August 7, 2010 at 11:46am
Dear Marie

Only because I've known a couple of others who have experience similar situations do I have a small (very small) idea of what you have experienced. I have seen the unfortune results of the psychological damage caused by this.

I would simply like to relate a comment or two from one of these ' survivors' who found Christ. She said that the 'betrayal' as she called it left her not trusting anyone and in a great deal of emotional pain. The Lord showed her that He could mightily use her since He would use her painful experiences to help her relate in a very real way to others who suffer from the same feelings (even though they may have been 'betrayed ' in other ways) .

Kind of like when God didn't remove Paul's ' thorn in the flesh or the painful memories of his past pursecutions of the church he was now spending his life for. I have really painful memories of things done to me and things that I have done. They have helped me to stay tenderhearted towards others and to realize that I can never amount to any good thing unless the Lord has total control.

I am so happy to hear that you are deteremined ( by God's grace ) to perserver and be a blessing to others.. I pray that God will richly reward your ministry to others and strengthen you stand in your own walk.

God bless you

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