All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

When I found out the real meaning of Grace, I literally got really excited. It gave me a sense of comfort that I never felt before. I felt as if wasn’t guilty about anything anymore. It gave me a new desire to really worship God with all my heart. Man, Grace is amazing! Where would we be if it wasn’t for God’s grace?
The other side of the coin is that if we are not careful, we might become passive Christians; totally contrary to what our heavenly Father expects of us. Let me share couple of things I believe happen when we take Grace lightly:
1. We stop praying as often; therefore putting our relationship with our Father in jeopardy. Please notice I didn’t say “we put our salvation in jeopardy”.
2. We stop reading His word. We settle for whatever someone else shares with us.
3. We stop attending church. We think that it is not necessary to be in church to be right with God.
4. Suddenly we start seeking the things down here instead of seeking the things above. Our fleshly desires seem more attractive than the spiritual ones.
5. Before we know it we start thinking like this “Grace will cover this sin” while meditating on whether we should or not go on to sinning.
We at Love4All Ministries believe in Grace 100%. We believe that a grateful heart that understands Grace is going to do the best to live a life of fellowship with the Father. We also understand that we face temptations every day of our lives. This is the reason why it’s important to:
1. Pray without ceasing.
2. Read the Word on a daily basis.
3. Attend church as a habit.
4. Seek the things above.
5. Seek righteousness and sin not.
Let’s face it; our Father loves us so much that He gave us His best, why can’t we try to give Him our best.
This is not intended to make you feel guilty, but as a reminder of the freedom that comes from living a life that is pleasing to God. It’s for our own good.

For His Glory

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Comment by Leonard T on January 24, 2009 at 12:04pm
Simplistic and right on. Good word.

Lord Bless,

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