All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

   While out with a friend one day. We was having a good time. Until I noticed that he took something from a store without paying for it. So I tried to tell him that it was wrong to steal. Thinking right away of  EXODUS CHAPTER 20;15     Thou shalt not steal. My friend looked at me, and said Marshall I don't need the Bible to tell me right from wrong. So we parted ways after that. I got to thinking well my friend does not need the Bible to tell him right from wrong, but I do. So I went home. Studied the Bible awhile, and prayed God would help my friend to learn right from wrong, and that my friend would come to now God.

  My friend a couple months later got into some really big trouble turn out that he had been stealing stuff for awhile, and the cops had been watching. To make a long story short. My friend went to jail. And was in jail for two years. when I got a letter from him. it read.

Hi bro 

Dear Marshall 

sorry I have not wrote to you, but I have been in jail almost two years now, and while in jail I got with some people in a Bible study. You will be glad it hear I now understand about all them times you was telling me about God. And when I get out I was thinking about going to church with you. And there was some other stuff in the letter also.

Well over joyed I wrote him back telling him sure I would love for him to go to church with me. And that I was praying God would help him to learn right from wrong, and asking that you would come to now him.

 Well got a letter back from my friend saying. Marshall, God answered your pray I learned right from wrong here in jail by reading the Bible, and I did come to know him as my God.

P S Marshall please do not ever pray for me again. I am afraid God will answer you again. See you soon.

  Well my friend got out we still go to church with each other. Every once in awhile I see him do something wrong or he sees me do something wrong. And we say to each other I will pray for you. That is code for you better walk straight. Some times for some people God knows he will have to get us to listen the hard way. well for me, and my friend when God speaks any more we listen.

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Comment by Todd Robert Princl on September 3, 2013 at 5:11pm

Very nice, good story!!!

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