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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others



Many times we come up against the issue of supporting others. Illness, Finances, relationships, and death are a few issues where support is called for. I want to discuss how we are to support those who are afflicted with illness.

As Christians we have a responsibility to care for those who are ill, First by prayer, because we should always be lifting up those who are sick and ask God to heal them. While we are waiting for that healing to manifest we should be doing all we can by supporting them in a practical since. Bring meals, visit them, go do errands for them, do Bible studies with them if they are up to it. And most of all keep praying with, and for them.

Do not ever make the person feel bad if they are not instantly healed. The two pillars of love are patience and kindness, our job is to support them and not judge them.

“Is anyone among you sick? Then he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord;” ( James 5:14 )

“Because I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger, and you welcomed me. I was naked, and you clothed me. I was sick, and you took care of me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’
“Then the righteous will say to him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and give you something to eat, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38When did we see you as a stranger and welcome you, or see you naked and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?”
40The king will answer them, “I tell you with certainty, since you did it for one of the least important of these brothers of mine, you did it for me.”
( Matthew 25:35-40 )

“And they were casting out many demons and were anointing with oil many sick people and healing them.' ( Mark 6:16 )

“...they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover." ( Mark 16:18b, )

Also there will be support that is needed for those who have mental issues. Our support for them could be to make sure they are taking their prescribed medications, visiting them, and to just be in their life for them.

The scripture says to comfort ( be near ) the feeble minded. ( Fainthearted, discouragement, little strength, timid ) (1 Thessalonians 5:14 0

This scripture really says a lot about what it means to comfort some one with a mental illness, “to be near them”.

Many times we just stay clear of them and hope the secular doctors can help them.

You may know of someone in your church who has one of their family member diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Others might have a family member who is suicidal, and maybe your best Christian friend has fallen into clinical depression.

It is at these times that we need to draw near to them and bring comfort, support, and encouragement to them.

There was a story in Mark chapter two about a paralyzed man who was brought to Jesus to be healed, His friends were so disparate to see their friend healed that they literally tore the roof off the house so they could lower the cot with the paralyzed man was on it down into the house where Jesus was, and the man was healed.

This is such a picture of how we are to support and help the sick. These men loved their friend and had faith to believe Jesus could heal him and they were so convinced that they went to extremes to see their friend healed.

It makes all the difference in the world for those who are afflicted with physical or mental illness to know that they are loved and do not have to face their illness alone.


Father it is just a fact of life that we are going to encounter those who experience illness whether, physical or mental. We need to always be lifting them up in prayer asking you to heal them. Help us to touch your heart and by being near to those who are ill, by visiting them, and supporting them. Help us to truly love and care for the afflicted. In Jesus name amen

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Comment by Danielle Marie on June 6, 2009 at 10:23pm
Thankyou so much for your prayer, it means a lot. May God bless you!
Comment by Pastor Bob B on June 6, 2009 at 7:43pm
Hi Danielle,
for many years I cared for my wife's mother in my home. she had lung cancer and we just felt that we had to care for her. She also had mental illness which made her more like another one of the children to care for at times. She was born again which made it much more bearable.

It was kind of a blessing because she was helpful with my children. But the stress of dealing with her when she had her bad times put a lot of pressure on our family. We had to provide comfort to her even though it wasn't easy, we literally drew near to her by having her in our home.

I had to fight resentment and fatigued all the time, I know the feeling of always giving and never getting anything back, but then I think of how much my own sin offended God and it helped me to re-focus. So I can understand how your husband is feeling, but if it was his mom he might feel differently. He is most likely being protective of you because he can see how difficult it is for you, and how your mom is hurting you by her bad choices.

I also feel for your mom also, chronic pain can be very debilitating for anyone. I have a neuromuscular disorder that leaves me in chronic pain for over 3 years now. Self pity is a great enemy for people who go through ongoing problems like this. I have had to deal with it one choice at a time with God's help, and I can honestly say his grace is sufficient for me every day.

I pray for you, for your husband and for your mom that God will show up in a powerful way for all of you. That God will touch your mom and bring her out of the snare of the enemy and out of self pity. That she would find her comfort and strength in the Lord and not in pills.

I pray for your husband that he will be able to see how much you love your mom and desire to help her, and love her in spite of everything because she is your mother and it is what pleases God.

I also pray for you that God will give you wisdom and direction in dealing with your mom, that you will not allow her illness to hurt or cause resentment in your heart, that God will give you such a supernatural love for your mom that you will be able to comfort her by drawing near to her heart with the love of God that never fails.

I pray that God will help you to be patient with your husband also, knowing it is because he loves you so much that makes him react the way he does.
In the great and wonderful name of Jesus, I pray. God bless you and your family.

In the love of Jesus
Comment by Danielle Marie on June 6, 2009 at 4:34pm
Hello Bob. I am new to AAG. I am very glad to be here:) I enjoyed reading your blog very much, especialy because I can relate. My mother has Lupas and Rheumatoid Arthritis. she was diangnosed fairly young, when I was in high school. I know she is contantly in pain but it's a little hard for everyone to deal with. I say that not because of her condition, but the fact that she takes entirely to much pain medication. I figure she's trying to drown out the pain and the reality of things. It's to the point where she doesn't see her grandchildren as often because I don't want them to see her loaded. It has also affected my relationship with her. By the way I am her only child. It has also affected her, not only does she get her medication from her doctors, she is also buying them from other people. she's alays broke. And because of this, she lost alot of things over the years. We don't have a strong relationship, it's kind of hard to. But, I am always there when she needs me. whether its to take her to doctor appt.'s, or just to run an errand. It causes alot of problems between my husband and I. it's hard for me because i know she doesn't have enough faith, but I always pray for her. I feel like I should be there because she is my mother and she has no other children. I try to do what I can. My husband gets really fustrated, he doesn't see why I try to help someone who doesn't want to help themself. I know he has anger towards her, especially because of the kids, because they can't have a normal relationship with their grandmother. i know what she does is wrong, I don't condone it, but I don't know how to help. i've tried everything from God on down, nothing has helped, because she doesn't want it to. It is really fustrating sometimes, but I haven't give up even though everyone tells me I should.
Comment by Pastor Bob B on June 5, 2009 at 7:08pm
Charles you are so awesome, you painted a beautiful picture of a servant of God. I realised from what you wrote that listening to some one is comforting them, and being near them. I pray that God will help us to be that listening ear, or give a smile in that moment of time when we make eye contact with some one. To just be a friend, without being a recruiter.
In the love of Jesus

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