All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Acts 6:1-7

In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Grecian Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, "It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word." This proposal pleased the whole group. They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit; also Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas from Antioch, a convert to Judaism. They presented these men to the apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them. So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith.

Good Morning.

Utt-oh, another problem has arisen, and the community is being threatened from within. Luke has been careful to tell us regularly that 'the number of disciples is growing'--many more Jews are coming to believe the gospel message, joining the young church. How many are we talking about? Remember J. Vernon McGee? He estimated about 25,000. . . But, not only are the 12 apostles doing all of the teaching and pastoral care, they are taking care of the practical needs of the people--administering food and funds amongst them. I'm sure they are aware that something has to change even before they hear about the troublesome complaints of their flock. How they respond is both remarkable and significant. They could have said, 'Look, your squabbling is doing none of us any good, so knock it off!' But instead, of talking about the complaining, they get a grasp of where the problem lies-- between the Grecian or (Hellenistic) Jews and the Hebraic Jews--the difference? "The Hellenistic Jews are those who speak mainly Greek, and formerly lived outside of Palestine. But they had settled in Jerusalem—retired, as it were, to the homeland. Nevertheless, they still have affinities with lands of the Jewish dispersion from which they came. The Hebraic Jews are those who speak mainly Aramaic, and were born in Jerusalem or Judea. A parallel in modern Jerusalem would be the distinction between Jews who were born in Palestine (sabras) and those who emigrated to Israel from other nations."* So, while they are all Jewish Christians now, they are still cloaked by their acculturation--language, customs, etc. So we find the Grecian Jews, (who feel they are sometimes treated like second-class citizens by the Jews born in Jerusalem), feel their widows are not being cared for as well as the Hebraic Jews.

The reaction of the apostles is remarkable--they had not attended leadership training school, after all. . . or had they? Well, yes they had--their Master Teacher had modeled team leadership for them. He chose the 12, poured everything He had into them, mentoring them for three and a half years, sent out pairs to minister, etc. So, yes they were the products of team leadership in practice. Instead of letting things fester, they spring into action, no doubt led by Peter, and call a meeting to address the problem. Just like that. They know what their God-given priority is: teaching the Word of God, and prayer. There are some great leadership tactics that emerge from this passage as we see the apostles agree they must keep the main thing, 'the main thing.' I have learned, as the leadership/management plate becomes overwhelming, we must dial it back and consider this maxim: "Only do what only you can do.">

Notice that the apostles involve the community in the selection of seven men to serve them, but they do not allow the community to decide on the criteria for the selection of the seven. What was the requirement? In order to be chosen, the men would have to be "full of faith and of the Holy Spirit." That alone is interesting--remember the seven were primarily chosen to distribute food, acting like administrators; why would they need to be full of faith and the Holy Spirit for that? Let's break it down a little further. The seven leaders needed to be: 1) Known from their sphere of influence- "seek out from among you" 2) People who could serve on a team "seven men" 3) Trusted among the people - "of good reputation" 4) Empowered for the task - "full of the Holy Spirit" 5) Competent and intelligent - "full of wisdom" 6) Responsible - "whom we may account over this business"#

So seven were chosen., and the people were pleased. The apostles "commissioned" them before the people--they laid their hands on them, and prayed for them--setting the model for church leadership today who 'set apart' those who are called to serve in various ministerial roles, whether it is going to the mission field, serving on deacon boards (like this first seven made up), or leading a church ministry.

What happened as a result? The Gospel message flourished--the good news of Jesus Christ spread out even further--"rapidly", Scripture says. Do we see the number of Christian believers increasing rapidly in our communities? I would not say so, really. We don't have to look too far for the reason, do we? As individuals, we don't have the fervor the apostles did. . . to make sure people near us know that there is a God who loves them--madly, who has a most excellent plan for them--who will give their lives purpose. . .

Finally, let me expand on the maxim I gave you up in paragraph 2-- Only do what only you can do. . . ARE you doing that which you can do for Him? What do you think God might be calling you to do that you haven't stepped out to do? Befriend. . . serve. . . tell. . . lead someone or something? 'Plate too full? Consider this, that Mark Mittelberg said to me: Why do you keep on doing the things other people can do, and leave undone the things only you can do? That challenge has moved me to action several times. This last week, I started a weekly prayer time for people of influence, 6;45 a.m.-7.15-- if it was to be, it was up to me. . . I was the one to whom God had given the vision, the passion, the nudge. . . It was an amazing, rich experience and I can't wait until next Tuesday! Oh, how faithful God is.

Grace, Courage to you,

*Paul Kroll >Andy Stanley #John Maxwell

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Comment by Christine on May 23, 2009 at 3:28pm
Hello, Charles~ 'I pray that the God of creation will illumine your mind to what He is calling you to do--in general, and in specific--how He would have you serve Him.' Do you know your spiritual gifts? That is usually an indication of how and even where you ought be serving. . . and for me, obedience is the next after--for me to obey Him--which is usually a step-by-step process. As I obey His first leading, then another directions follows, and so on. . . I have found that He doesn't keep me guessing if I am surrendered to Him, endeavoring to live for Him daily, and obedient. As for Mark Mittelberg's piece of wisdom--I was at an evangelism conference, and went up to speak to him directly; oh my goodness, that bit of direction has really been beneficial to me! Christine
Comment by Leonard T on May 23, 2009 at 1:29pm

Good word!

Lord Bless,

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