All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

i was born in december which is the last month of the year as we all know.some people say that us born in dec.get double presents birthday and christmas,yes that maybe true,but on the flip side of that we have to wait longer than everyone else for our birthdays to come.were the last ones to turn the new age. when i was a kid in school i was teased by peers.they would go how old are you? i tell them,they would go whens your birthday? i said december they would go im older than you,im older than you,it used to tick me off.when youre born in dec.of course youre going to be younger than most born the same year as you. my mom didnt understand me much on this,but she was also born in january she was older than her peers usually.most people understand me on this,some didnt.hopefully youll be one of the ones that understand. my old friend she was born in feb and once said to me dont it seem to take forever for your birthday to come i was honest and said yeah. when youre born the last month of the year,it takes longer for your time to come and that cant be denied.

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Comment by LucyP on October 18, 2011 at 11:32pm
haha my daughters bday is 28th dec and my mum is 17th dec, my mum says she never got double presents, bless her but got a cake, my daughter has said quite aggrievedly 'people spend less on me 'cos of Christmas' LOL, (when she was a bit younger and very materialistic), she would get quite annoyed and even decided on a day in the middle of the year which would be her 'other' birthday haha, she marked it on the calender and everything, needless to say her December birthday remains :), shes not the queen (who celebrates 2), and in fact its quite lovely after Chrsitmas celebrations to have another special celebratory day after.

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