All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

From My Perspective - - -

Language serves a very useful purpose. How it is used can either clarify or obscure; compliment or insult; amplify or cause ambiguity. Google News has a lead article today by Christopher Hawthorne, Architecture Critic who is commenting about Michael Jackson and Neverland. It is clever and skillful writing but not without the caustic and biting comment. He writes: “It was while I was bumpily making my way across a rope bridge in a quiet corner of Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch on Thursday morning, next to an elaborate tree-house crowned with a ship's wheel, and overlooking a bronze sculpture of smiling children, that I finally figured out what the late entertainer's compound represents from an architectural point of view. Jackson didn't commission Neverland's Tudor-style main house…But the changes Jackson made to the 2,600-acre property over the years, notably adding a slew of kid-friendly attractions, markedly changed the place,…At the height of his popularity, Jackson bent the music industry toward an androgynous, perpetually childlike model of superstardom. He managed a similar trick in transforming the architecture of this classic Santa Barbara County ranch property…” Key to this paragraph is the use of the word “androgynous”! Is it a compliment or an insult? Does it define the person and place or accuse? “ANDROGYNOUS” means: “Biology: Having both female and male characteristics; Being neither distinguishably masculine nor feminine, as in dress, appearance, or behavior.”

Herman Cain, WSB Radio in Atlanta, GA is attempting to either excite or incite the citizenry of this country to become part of the “INTELLIGENT THINKERS MOVEMENT”! The summary objective is: "When They Feel the Heat, They Will See the Light"! His purpose is stated as: “The voice of ‘we the people’ has been hijacked by partisan politics, government bureaucrats, and the influence of money on elections and legislation. To take back our government, we must be able to un-elect members of Congress on a timely basis, and dramatically influence their decisions while they are in office. Because of the proliferation of biased media reporting, gullible voters, and too many in Congress who willingly and intentionally make deceptive and misleading statements about proposed legislation, “we the people” must be able to provide succinct and intelligent feedback to Congress frequently and persistently. We can then hold them accountable intelligently at election time, which is our only leverage for holding their feet to the fire. We don’t need all 306 million citizens to be successful. We only need 100,000 voters per Congressional district for them to ‘see the light’. ‘We The People’ can and will take back our government and the strategic direction of this Nation. It is our right and responsibility. This is NOT a republican, democrat, libertarian, conservative, liberal, or progressives movement. This is a ‘We The People’ movement.”

Tomorrow, we celebrate the 233rd Anniversary of the Birth of this nation. Many believe the nation is in rapid decline and is being euthanized by socialist-minded politicians and organizations. To say our liberties are being rapidly eroded is an understatement. The “change” people thought they were voting for has become an onslaught on the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness that was part of the genius at the birth of this nation. Someone has described it like watching in slow-motion a tsunami approaching; a nuclear bomb in descent and timed to detonate; a volcano erupting; a tornado approaching… There can be little room to doubt that we are standing on a precipice and the ground beneath our feet is starting to crumble. A Preacher from another day stated: “My subject deals with time and eternity, and the preparation we must make in time for eternity – based on a text in Amos 4:12: "Prepare to meet thy God." The Patriots of old championed Liberty for all! The Civil Rights Movement championed Freedom for all! The current wars in which we are engaged champions Democracy for all. Galatians 5:1 states the spiritual heart-cry for us as we approach our “independence Day”, namely: “It is for freedom/liberty that Christ has set us free. Stand firm…and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Consider these things with me!

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