All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

There's a flame that burns inside of me.
It burns for you continually.

A flame that burns though I'm not consumed.
A flame that I could not have presumed.

It burns in me to pray for you.
And it causes me to believe for you.

A flame that's there without a doubt.
A flame in my heart that will not burn out.

It burns for you whether you ever know it.
It burns for you whether I ever get to show it.

It burns in me that you might believe.
It burns in me that you might receive.

For the flame in me is not my own.
From out of Christ's love it has grown.

Sometimes so strong it stops me in my tracks.
I start praying for you though I know none of the facts.

I know nothing of you except that you exist.
But the flame in me says, 'not to resist'.

So, wherever, whoever you are.
It matters not how near or how far.

I share in the love our Creator has for you.
I share the desire for His flame in you too.

There's a flame that burns inside of me.
And it burns for you continually.

By Preston Pittman

I love you.

I know you're out there... I think about you all the time. I don't know what you look like, how old you are, or where you are... and I guess it matters, not. And, I don't pretend that we are just alike... I don't know what all you've had to deal with in your life, and you can't imagine mine. But still, I think you are very much like who I was once.

You think about this world from the moment you wake up until you are able to go back to sleep. You are constantly aware of your position on the side of this planet, wherever it holds you. You often consider yourself within the whole universe. You know there is more going on than the world seems to see. Religion doesn't seem to work for you, but you know there is something going on that is not from this world. I mean, "it" reveals itself to you in everything you see.

You keep searching for answers... that is good. I always told my teens, "I don't care what you believe... as long as you really believe it... but if there is a doubt and you don't keep looking for the truth, I will be upset with you". You see, it is in seeking the truth that is what has brought me to you, now. I'll explain more about this later.

Maybe your study of life has brought you to look at the strings of information, hidden in everything around... each tree, plant, insect, and person... and each one, with it's unique difference within similar strings. It's design is just too amazing to be an accident. In truth, a design like that must have a designer... don't you agree? I remember something too, that was so compelling... there is this underlying order in everything... no matter how chaotic things seem. Also, there's the powerful force within all living things to continue... and the movement of all things within the universe... With such precision. You see these things too and I love that about you. I know you have to understand it before you believe in it and you are not satisfied until you do understand it and I am that way too.

The bible was the thing that I had to figure out... I was so suspicious of that one book. On one hand, it made so much sense... but on the other hand, there were many problems. For one, I could not get past the language of the "so favored" KJ version... I mean, who talks like that... Jesus didn't! I wondered, "we can make an artificial heart and put satellites in space, but if so many believe that the bible is so important, why can't someone correctly translate it into something people today can more readily understand"? Then I found a bible that had taken the original text, and very carefully translated the original text into an easier to understand rendering. But, with my suspicious nature, I still had to get several analytical concordances to make sure it was right.

I still had this image of a bunch of visionary monks... locked away on top of some mountain, compelled to write out some kind of story that could save mankind from self destruction. And so, I had to dig around at the truth about the source of this amazing book I was studying. Then I learned about the various sources of the bible from such different periods of time, and the authenticity of each writing. I began to study the history of all the efforts to rid the world of these writings and how amazingly they; not only have survived those efforts, but even thrived. I learned of the "eye-witness" testimonials recorded and began to study the depth and reality of what it meant for these people to insist on their claims.

I had already studied scientology, and some depths of various other religions and although I knew inside that there must be a Creator... none of these other writings worked for me the way this bible did... so I kept studying. It wasn't until I was convinced enough to trust this book before I could surrender to the one whom had inspired it... The Creator!

Now, here's the kicker... It wasn't until I surrendered my life to Him before I really started breaking through to the TRUTH I had been searching for. This is why I am writing to you now... You are who I feel led to share these things with so you can "come on in", so-to-speak! It would do me No good to get you to join my group... or my charity... I don't have either... It's just me and this compelling feeling I have to help you now. It's not my truth I'm trying to help you "get at". But I am going to keep sending you whatever I get that will help you get to the truth. You're on the right road!

Now, I want to share one more thing before we continue. I had a boss once, whom used to say, whenever I asked to do something... "sure, take your time, Preston... just hurry up". Now, that was funny, for a couple weeks... later it got old... but further in my discovery of "The Truth", this saying has come back to me and I must share it with you.

I know how important it is for you to "really" believe in some things before you can believe in other things. I already told you how I love that about you. But, at the same time, I urge you to keep digging with greater relent, because from where I am, in my understanding, now... there's not that much time left.

That's why I hope you'll keeping reading this, however it's getting to you. I am committed to keep writing these things to you to help you in your search. I do not set in judgement of you, nor am I speaking down to you. I hope you will keep that in mind, as we continue, together. In my next letter, I want to share more on the reliability of this book called the bible... Some other resources... Some science... And more of my own search that may help you now. Ok? Keep searching my friend.

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