All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Good Morning~

What can God do through one ordinary guy?
Well. . . apparently when he is filled with the Spirit, and obedient, quite a lot! Take a moment to read Acts 8.4-25,;&version=31;&interface=print

The order of names is noteworthy in the Bible. Throughout the gospels, Philip is always listed fifth in the order of disciples--so a 'middle of the pack' kinda guy, not your Type-A Over-achiever kinda fellow. That's all right. Just note the impact Philip had when he rolled into Samaria. Everybody wanted to be near him, to be near the power of the Holy Spirit. . . many came to faith in Jesus and were baptized--including one Simon the Sorcerer.

When word got back to Jerusalem about the happenings in Samaria, the apostles sent Peter and John to assess matters. Once there, we see them lay hands and pray that they will be filled (yes, a second work to that of the Holy Spirit's indwelling of them at the time of conversion). It is at this time that Simon the Sorcerer's true motives are revealed--he just wanted to work greater magic--not to glorify God. Again, we see Peter's quick correction of Simon's behavior.

But let's think a little more about Philip. . . he was faithful. . . with that which he knew and was called to do. . . Esther had been called of all the women in the land "for such a time as this," and God used her obedience mightily, and saved the Jewish people from destruction. Philip was also called for this time in the history of the church. Let us remember, Stephen has just been martyred, and Saul is wreaking havoc on all things Christian. The persecution is so intense that Christians are fleeing Jerusalem by the droves, and Philip finds himself in what has always been 'enemy' territory as far as the Jews were concerned; the Samaritans were looked down upon; and yet, here it is that Philip ministers, performs miracles, and souls are saved. He was faithful to what God called him to do--'Reminds me of Moses when God called him out of the desert to go and lead the Israelites out of captivity in Egypt. . . take a look with me at Exodus 3 and 4-- God speaks to Moses from a burning bush that was not consumed with the fire. He calls him out-- and though Moses pleads that he is not able. . . can't speak well--blah, blah, blah--God says, 'what's that in your hand, Moses?' And then we see that God takes just who Moses was, just what he had in is hand, and uses it for powerful purposes. You and I may be a bush. . . a rod in someone's hand. . . a small voice. . . but if God could use a bush, He can use you and me.

What CAN God to through one ordinary guy? Ask Philip.
Philip had in his hand passion for the truth of the Gospel and the power of the Spirit to do the miraculous. . . God used them, and multitudes came to know God because an ordinary man was faithful.
Philip--an ordinary leader +
the empowerment of the Spirit +
the authority of Jesus Christ and Scripture =
changes in the world around him.

WHAT DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR HAND, ORDINARY PERSON? God wants to use it to effect change in the world around you. Esther was made 'for such a time as this'--and you? You also have been created and gifted and placed at just this time in history, in exactly the circumstances where you can be most used of God. I am passionate about the fact that who you and I are as Christians, and how we conduct ourselves in Jesus' name has never mattered as much as it matters now--at this time in history, in this economy, in this country. . .

Philip was just an ordinary guy, but he was faithful. Will you be faithful?

Christine (DiGiacomo) Weigh in on Facebook "Morning Briefings", or
Discuss with believers worldwide--folks are talking about Peter and Philip from Uganda, Ghana, India, Australia. . . I'm not kidding--it's a trip!

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Comment by Christine on June 3, 2009 at 10:58am
Hello, Journeyman! Yes, it is amazing what can be, and in fact, is being done through the advancement of technology. About 10 months ago, the Lord gave me the word "global" in a prayer time, when I was seeking Him. . . I've always been an 'act locally' kinda' gal, so I wasn't sure what was to come. . . it is becoming a little more clear these days. Thank you for your encouragement. I pray God's joy for you today. C
Comment by journeyman on June 3, 2009 at 9:54am
God has given humans the incredible intelligence to create a worldwide communication network connecting all of us. Our mission from God to spread the Good news of Jesus Christ is Global! We must raise our hands and give thanks to God Almighty. Thanks for the geat job creating more global Christian ministries.

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