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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

first: i was minding my business when in passing i saw this 

well, having met him at a book signing and hearing so many great stories about how he spent his time after his presidency, i was endeared to him: greatly (he was before our time, and with maturity came disillusionment in politics, and so i clung to this idea of a passed time of greater men with more integrity and greater scruples *my editor will check that later). so i did what any self-respecting berean would do and i investigated.

that led to, secondly, this

if you read the full article you'll see that not only does he use an "argument from silence (a common fallacy)," but that he also condones civil unions, or, to put it another way, same-sex marriage. can i be wrong about that? did i misunderstand him? Is it possible that like me he thinks it doesn't matter what you call it, it isn't a marriage per se? that the concept of our holy matrimonies should be removed from government altogether and only be held accountable to our church (please note i do not say churches here nor do i mean church in the western american sense)? is it possible that i could have an ally in this way of thinking (more on that later)? no, it seems he means in a baptist sense that every local church be autonomous in its decision to support or protest homosexual marriages. he goes on to deny the inspired nature of the bible and its infallibility.

"When we go to the Bible," he says. sir, show that you have GONE to the bible first. and the article claims he used to be a Sunday school teacher. watch out for false their fruit you will recognize them - MT7:15&16 i guess i'm gonna have to go over his presidency with my editor after all..

well i'm sorry "ColoradoIndependent" (the alleged originator of this post), but that's not real christianity; that's not what we sound like.

- porter's

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