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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Has anyone ever considered that Jesus may be around us all the time? When Jesus came 2000 years ago, most did not recognize Him. Have you considered that what you are looking for is all around you every day? Do you see Him? Have you seen Him?

I'm not talking about some smoked filled room with flashing lights and thunder rolling, beloved. I'm talking about Jesus. He is often right under our noses, and we esteem Him not.

"What do you mean, Lahry"? I'm glad you asked. Jesus said that if we would but keep His commandments (be obedient to the leading of His Spirit in loving God with all our heart and loving our neighbor as ourselves), that we would be loved by the Father, and the Jesus Himself would manifest Himself to us. That is a wonderful and thrilling scripture verse, John 14:21. But how will He "manifest Himself"? He tells us in Matthew 25:31-46. He says that when we do it to the least of these, His brethren, we do it unto Him. So who are the least?

I stopped at a convenience market one day to get a soda. There was an old man standing by the newspaper machine outside the market. I could tell when I got out of my vehicle that he was trying to get my attention. I ignored him of course and went into the market. When I came out, he again tried to get my attention but turned my head away and I hurriedly climbed into my vehicle and off I went. As I began to drive down the road it was like a cloud of gloom came over me. The farther I went, the worse it got. The Holy Spirit asked, "did you forget something"? "Was that not the least standing back there by the paper machine"? "Yes, Lord".

Repenting with tears in my eyes, I turned around and headed back to the market. Thank God, the old man was still there. I walked up to him and asked him what he wanted. He said he was hungry. The market also sold fried chicken. So I asked him if that would be ok. He said yes. I asked him what kind of cold drink he wanted. He told me. I went in and bought him a big chicken dinner and a big cold drink and brought it out to him.

Then I told him how God had turned me around. I apologized for being so rude and uncaring. He said that was alright. I asked him if he attended church regularly. He said no. I told him that if God loved him enough to buy him lunch, maybe he ought to attend church next Sunday and find out more about this wonderful God. He agreed, and I was on my way, relieved, still repenting, weeping and trying to drive. JESUS WAS RIGHT UNDER MY NOSE AND I ALMOST PASSED HIM BY.

That has happened many times. I do believe I am not alone. I believe it happens to you too. Have you seen Him lately? We keep looking in the secret place. We keep watching for him on TV. We keep attending conferences, crying out "Lord, I want to see you". Beloved, He's been there all the time. He is the hungry, the naked, the cold and lonely. He is the sick and imprisoned.

I know that there are many good churches that are involved in this kind of ministry. Thank God. But there are also some who don’t have a clue. They try to get themselves worked up into some kind of emotional tizzy and hope that is God. Well it's not.

For Jesus to manifest Himself to us, we have to be obedient. We have to love God with all our heart. We have to love our neighbor as ourselves. Who is thy neighbor? Is it just church folk? Or is it the man in front of a convenience market? Is it somebody searching through trash trying to find something to eat?

At one time, I did sales in central California. I had a Chevy El Camino that was very comfortable and ran like the wind. I was zooming along this deserted stretch of interstate one cold and windy day, when I saw a man on side of the road hitch hiking. As I passed the old fellow, he turned and pointed to me in the rear view mirror. I knew who he was at that moment. When I finally got stopped, I backed all the way back to where he was. It took me a while. I opened the door and invited him inside.

I asked him where he was going. "Oklahoma" he replied. I asked him where he had been. "Oregon". He had hitchhiked from Oklahoma to Oregon to visit his children and was on his way home. He didn't have a coat on and he was quite cold. I took him as far as I possibly could. We really enjoyed chatting along the way. When I let him back out into the cold, the Lord said, "give him your jacket". "WHAT!" "Give Him your jacket".

The jacket I had on was a special jacket. It was an award jacket I had gotten at work. I loved this jacket. It was not too thick, but very comfortable and it broke the wind very well. It was special to me. "Give him your jacket, it's windy and cold out there". So I hung my head and got out and took off my jacket and gave it to him. I told him that he needed it much more than me. "Are you sure", he asked? "Yep". He thanked me and I drove off.

Again, tears swelling up in my eyes, even as they are now when I try to type this up. I knew, I had been obedient to God, and Jesus had manifested Himself to me. I knew I was loved by the Father. He flooded my soul. He will flood yours too, if you look for Jesus....right under your nose.

In His mercy and grace,


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Comment by Gayla on September 15, 2009 at 6:29pm
Yes... amen... and amen....

Homelessness is something that has been near and dear to my heart....and something that I think we as a country... need to feel shame over. It is not right...that the richest country on the face of the earth.... should have people living under bridges.....

We have churches on every corner....yet.... many who do without.

I think Jesus looks at this too...

And I am very afraid...he is going to ask each and every one of us..... what we did, concerning these...

THE LEAST OF THE BRETHEREN. your see if there is not something that God will show you, that will benefit this destitue population.

I know that many of them, are on drugs, and alcohol....and that many others are lazy...and actually choose this lifestyle....however, even with all that knowledge... I still believe there is a way, to end this problem.

The government has not figured out how to do it..... but, the church could....with Gods help......and we know that he is willing to help.

Please....make it a part of your daily prayer... Lord... what can I do... concerning this terrible situation that exists.... called homelessness.....that is a blight on our country... and a shame to those of us who have a warm bed, and plenty of clothes, and do not lack for anything.

Please....on behalf of the ones who can't help them selves.
Comment by Lahry Sibley on September 15, 2009 at 11:13am
Wow. I love your testimonies. About the man you asked about, I was not near my home. I was on the road, working. Otherwise, I would have done just that. Last June, we were in Louisiana, and I met another man, and went and got him and brought him to the church we were attending. They had not seen " a stranger" in quite some time. The pastor ended up giving this guy $100 to help him on his way. So yes, it happens. Each situation is different, but Jesus is in them all. Amen?
Comment by Gayla on September 15, 2009 at 10:36am
Lahry... I hesitate to write this, however feel that I should, the gesture you made was kind indeed, and far more than most would even consider....however, when you asked the man to go to church on Sunday, did you consider asking him to come to your church? and offering to see that he had clothes to wear that were suitable....and.... an offer to pick him up and take him?

I am not in any way trying to make you feel bad about your obedience, neither to I wish to take from the blessing your received.... but, as one who has been involved many times in the lives of the homeless....
I know that going the extra mile often makes all the difference in the world to someone who is down and out.

I know too that we must be led by the Spirit, in all things, otherwise we end up in confusion.... however, many times, when the spirit still costs us, greatly.

Concerning the jacket story... I was in a service once, in the very beginning of my walk with the Lord, where a man from Africa was speaking, his life had been dramatically touched by the Lord, and his desire was to come to America, where he thought he could be taught better how to follow the Lord... he ended up in a service where there were only a few people, and some of them, were sleeping...

He decided that he needed to return to his own people, and that he had enough... of the Lord... to see him thru. He was being led into the bush, as an evangelist to the natives.

He said his only wish was that he had bibles to take to the people, in their own language.... the Spirit quickened my heart, and I thought...oh.. I wish I had something to give .... the Spirit said, your earrings....

They were my prized possession.... I really loved them, and enjoyed wearing them.... however, when he spoke... I knew he was asking for them... as a sacrifice on my part... to see if I valued him....over, without hesitation, I removed them from my ears, and put them in my hand, waiting for the service to end, when it did, I went forward placing them in the mans hand.... he tried to refuse... but, I refused to allow him to do so...

I went away knowing that I had done what I was supposed to do. Later, I thought perhaps the Lord would see fit to replace them, at some point in my life....and finally I was able to purchase another pair, very similar...however, as I write this, they are sitting in my jewelry box...unworn.... as they do not have the same meaning to me now that they did then.

My husband picked up a young man and brought him home with him one time, and he ended up staying with us for a long time, this boy later commented to a friend of ours.. "They treated me like somebody... he said".
and this was the first time in his life he had been treated like that, he had come from a home of abuse, and had bi-polar, had lived on the road for the last 16 or so years... and his one goal was to tell people about Jesus.

He had made up his mind, that was his mission in life, and was willing to spend all his days doing exactly that. When he came to our house, he was blessed by our acceptance of an equal.

He is and was the closest person I have met, in my walk with the Lord, to actually be closest to the Lord. He was a delight to be around, (until the bi-polar kicked in) and knew more about the bible than anyone I had ever met.

He has passed on now, to be with Jesus, however, I feel the Lord will forgive me.... he is the first person I hope to meet when I leave this earth....

I asked him once if he was an angel.... and I am not sure, to this day, if he wasn't.
Comment by Lahry Sibley on September 15, 2009 at 5:51am
You too, James, and thanks again for the blessing.


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