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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

“Then she called the name of the LORD who spoke to her, "You are a God who sees"; for she said, "Have I even remained alive here after seeing Him?" (Gen.16:13 NASV)

This story in Genesis chapter sixteen is about a situation that arose because Abram and Sarai had taken matters into their own hands because Sarai could not have children.

Sarai talked Abram into taking her slave Hagar to be his wife so that they might have children through her. After Hagar became pregnant she became rude to Sarai. So Sarai then was so mean to Hagar that she ran away.

Then the Lord came to Hagar and told her to go back because a great nation would come forth from the child she was carrying. Verse eleven say, (GWT) “Then the Messenger of the LORD said to her, "You are pregnant, and you will give birth to a son. You will name him Ishmael God Hears, because the LORD has heard your cry of distress.”

I love the fact that as we read through the Bible that God is always revealing these little snap shots of himself through his encounters with his people. Here in Genesis sixteen we find God revealing something about himself.

He is the Lord who is watching over us, or the one who sees.

“The eyes of the LORD are in every place, Watching the evil and the good. “ ( Proverbs 15:3 NASV)

"And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do." (Hebrews 4:13 )

“The LORD looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men.” ( Psalm 33:13)

Jehovah RO' IY ( The Lord Who Sees, or The Lord Who Watches Over Me)

Just like Hagar some times God ask us to do some difficult things. She was ask to go back into a very uncomfortable situation. Maybe God is pressing on your heart to do something that is going to be difficult for you.

I have been ask by God to do some difficult things in the past couple of years. It was only because I knew that he was with me and that he was watching over me that I was able to do it.

When we realize that God is watching over us, we develop such a since of security in our lives. Life is so full of situations where strife arises, when we are at odds with members of our family, or at work, or at our churches.

I am not talking about putting ourselves in a dangerous situations. Hagar was being rude and was in the wrong also. She was going to have to make peace with Sarai the best she could. She was also going to have to stop being rude
Knowing that God is watching over us, and that He is a very present help in time of need helps us to find courage to do the hard things, we to can find strength, and endure almost anything if we know that God sees and is watching over us.

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