It's a New Year. . . woot! Woot! Happy New Year, 2019.
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but please consider printing this out to spend a little time thinking, reflecting~
The. New. Year. Before jumping headlong into 2019, we are wise to take a moment to consider the year 2018. Socrates made an excellent point when he said,
~~~the unexamined life is not worth living~~~
Now I'm not suggesting we dwell on the past - you know, what was, what could have or might have been- such dwelling really serves no good purpose. Yet as we move into a new year, a little personal reflection can be so very valuable, as
a little stock-taking provides awareness, and forward thinking spurs us onto growth.
"There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under Heaven~
. . .a time to plant, and a time to uproot
. . .a time to tear down, and a time to build
. . .a time to scatter stones, and a time to gather them
. . .a time to keep, and a time to throw away
. . .a time to be silent, and a time to speak." from Ecclesiastes 3
Seasons, hmmm . . . O yes, wise Solomon was onto something. Let's take a time, a brief season to reflect: [might want to print this out-to think, to write]
Do your mind and soul a favor, and take a little time with this exercise.
*What were the highlights, the joys of 2018?
*Blessings? Name 'em:
*What were the struggles, the trials faced?
*Anything that caused great pain?
*How about growth in the year?
*Is there anything you need to 'tear down' from your life?
In considering these questions myself - blessings as well as trials, I can easily see how God has been so good in my life, how he has guided me, sustained and carried me in the roughest spots. Truly, looking back reminds me God has been faithful. I have to admit, if I did not take this time to take stock, to write things down even, to reflect, I could easily just say 'Oh, 2018 is behind me now,' and kinda' leave it in a heap of memories, forgetting so many sweet times. There were times with loved ones, living life-the gift of life(!), writing, sharing sweet moments . . . in truth, so much of life that was lived.
Now, my friend, no living in last year-no staying there or continuing to look back over your shoulder, or regularly looking in the rearview mirror. If you have taken just a little time, you recalled what has hurt, where you have lost, and of what you must let go.
The newhas come! If you will just take a hold of it and apprehend it, you can experience freshness in your existence. Next briefing-how to do that.
Until then... HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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