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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


"The happiness of those that love God, and devote themselves to His service, is substantial and satisfactory." "Spiritual and eternal things are the only real and substantial things." - Matthew Henry
"They that love Me(Wisdom) shall not be losers by Me. " - Biblical Illustrator - Old Testament

Proverbs 8:20-21 says - "I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment. That I may cause those that love Me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures."

Wisdom is talking here. Actually, Wisdom can be a type for Christ Jesus Himself.

What is He saying to His Body?

"I lead..."

Jesus is still the "Great Shepherd of the sheep" (Hebrews 13:20), and He is constantly leading them "beside the still waters" and to "green pastures" (Psalm 23:2).

In this particular verse, the word - "lead" - can also mean - "to walk or to go."

Jesus is walking or going "in the way of righteousness." He leads His people in this kind of walk. It is the practice of is where they learn the works of righteousness...and it is where they find moral and spiritual uprightness for every area and relationship of their lives.

This may seem to be a simple truth. Nonetheless, it is worth examining. In the light of this truth, we must realize that anyone who claims to be a follower of Jesus will be walking "in the way of righteousness." They will walk the "strait and narrow" (Matthew 7:13-14) path. Their life will not be filled with sin, a love for the world, or compromise.

Let's take it a step further. Any minister of the Gospel who claims to be a follower of Jesus will be "a minister of righteousness." His teaching will "lead in the way of righteousness." It will strongly emphasize holiness of life and living as well as victory over sin. He himself will not be involved in some kind of "secret sin" or immoral lifestyle. In his preaching, he will not make sexual innuendos or carry himself very loosely - morally speaking - in the presence of the opposite sex.

We are talking about " the way of righteousness" here.

Jesus made it "plain and clear." He leads in no other way but "in the way of righteousness."

He doesn't want us - as His people - to ever be deceived so He spells it out for us. We can know of a surety who is of God and who is not - just by this simple truth - "I lead in the way of righteousness."

If you are sitting under a Pastor or a ministry where there is any sign of compromise or sin, get away from them. On the other hand, if you see a ministry that promotes holiness of living or provokes the saints to a lifestyle "of righteousness" - by all means place your support behind that ministry.

"I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment."

It is interesting to note that this moral lesson came from the condition of the Eastern roads. Because there could possibly be a rock on one side or a precipice on the other, the safest route was the middle of the road. The Greeks always emphasized the mean between the extremes - proving that truth and safety always lay in the middle. Hence, Solomon taught here that the middle of the road was the safest and best path of conduct. "The way of righteousness" was in the center - while "the paths of judgment" were on either side. If one were to swerve or stray off of the "strait and narrow" path, he would immediately meet with "judgment" of some sort - dangers and punishments.

This leads us to our final thought in this study.

H. Macmillan - in the Biblical Illustrator - the Old Testament version - was quoted as saying - "The virtues that yield the blessings of life are in the middle, between the vices that wreck and blight your life. A little too much on one side or the other makes all the difference in the world, and so close to each other do the evils you have to avoid come, that narrow is the way that leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. The side-path may, therefore, be smooth and pleasant, but it leads to danger. The middle of the road may be rough and difficult, but it is safe - the way of righteousness between the paths of judgment."

Matthew Henry - the renowned Bible Commentator - added - "Virtue lies in the midst."

God's Word - as found in Proverbs 8:20-21 - says this - "I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment. That I may cause those that love Me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures."

Those who walk "in the way of righteousness" - in the middle road - avoiding all compromise and sin - are the ones who truly "love" Jesus. And as it is always His way, He has a blessing for all who do.

He "causes" them "to inherit substance." Notice that the Scripture does not say that they have to sow a seed or work for their substance. They "inherit" it. In other words, they take possession of it. They receive it for their own use. It is prepared or laid up for them. And because they have an ardent inclination of their heart and mind toward the Lord Jesus and His Word, they become entitled to it.

What is this "substance" that the Holy Spirit is talking about here?

Unlike the vain and shadowy "blessings" of this world, it is a substantial blessing...a blessing enduring, solid, and well-grounded substance...or one that cannot be wasted or taken away.

In the Hebrew, the word - "substance" - stands for that which is - that which has a firm and solid consistency. Ultimately, what this is referring to can be summed up in One Person - the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the One Who gives "substance" or true, everlasting being to everything.

To those who "love" Him enough to walk "in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment," Jesus causes to come to them that which is solid, weighty, powerful, real, and eternal. He "fills their treasures." He fills every empty space in their lives with abundance. He fills it with two of the place - bringing forth an overflow.

This cannot be done with worldly things. Nothing less than God and heaven can bring forth such satisfaction and true happiness.

Matthew 16:26 says - "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"

So many today are seeking after wealth - the world's riches. But they are surely suffering the consequences in the end - they are "losing their own soul" and ending up in Hell for all of eternity.

God has riches in store for His children - "substance" that is true and lasting and doesn't affect the soul in an adverse way. It strengthens it in the ways of the Lord - "the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment."

God desires that His children prosper. In fact, Psalm 35:27 says - "...Let the LORD be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of His servant." He has "substance" for all those who will walk "in the path of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment."

As long as they stay in the middle of the road - not veering to the right or to the left in compromise or sin - they will find the gold - the true gold - in overflowing abundance!

May God Bless His Word,

© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved

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