All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


It is in these still, quiet moments that we can truly See, Taste, Touch, Smell, and Hear His Love all around us,
Be it by the tranquility of a stream, the sunshine, the clouds that make you look up in Awe at the majesty of it all. The sights, sounds, the colors, He has created, the cool breeze, the warmth of the sunshine on your cheek, down to the smallest flower, or blade of grass, Yes, He has created it all, to gently remind us that He is still here for us, if we but look for Him, with all diligence, Then we Shall truly find Him.
It is in the simplest of things, that the Father has made, that bring the most enjoyment, not only to the Father; but to those who truly search for Him. The LOrd whispers His Love in our ear throughout the day, if we but take a moment of our time to pause and to just listen, truly listen, and close our eyes for a moment to all of the outside influences that surround us daily, to distract us.
If we but have a small glimmer of Love in our hearts, and of hope; then we can change the world around us.
Be it by a simple nod, a smile, a look, or be it just a few simple words, it is these which can make all the difference in someone elses life. Father I ask that I may be used for Your purpose, wash away any iniquity in my heart, any doubt, fear, hurt, or anger in me; cleanse me from anything that displeases You my Father, Make me a new creation, that I may serve You with an unblemished heart. And I So Thank You Father that You are mine!

Because it is this kind of PURE LOve that is what is required to enter into the Heavenly Kingdom, that we Must possess; we must exude, if we are to be with the Holy Father. And I So want you and I to be there.

Wont You share a little Love today?

O Lord, let my life reflect the Joy You have put into my heart, that Your name may be Gloroified.

"I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight."
- Isaiah 45 :2

"The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: He shall preserve thy Soul."
- Psalm 121: 7

God Bless my Friends,
The Father Loves You, and So Do I!~

Original post March 21st, 2009

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