All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

The most extraordinary thing is how bad I desire to believe, its so strong that it feels like a dam that is ready to crumble and overwhelm my heart and soul.I've felt this way for so long, so constipated, its to the point of pain, physical pain. For every answer I may recieve from above,I seem to have 2 more questions. I NEED that break-through,NEED IT,like I need to breathe and I don't know how to get it. I know theres a piece of me,of my soul,that I have yet to discover.

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Comment by Selena Annette Lakey on March 26, 2010 at 1:33am
I,sometimes unfortunately,have a very inquisitive mind.its my blessing and my curse!! Like I have said before,God's always been in my life somewhere.I grew up in church,southern baptist, But I was living hell inside my home.I have a very shady past,but I did not get there on my own!! My step father molested me from age 5 to 16,and seeing my mother beat on a regular basis!! Her knowing what he was doing to me and never stopped it Which in turn paved my way for that shady path,I was out there for a VERY long time jails,institutions,,addictions from food to illegal drugs.But low and behold we were at church come Sunday!!So my perception of Gods love was a little distorted to say the least so I have to ask for patience while I'm learning to trust in Him.But I'm asking myself questions about God and, the Bible That I don't think any one can answer.I'll just throw a couple of questions out there and I will pray someone has an answer, if not I'll keep searching till I either find the answer or go insane trying!! It is said God knows all,what was, what is and what will be,,so why did he make eve for adam if He already knew what was going to take place,He told her NOT to eat from that tree,That is all God ask, so Didn't He set them up to fail?Why didn't He for-see that and destroy satan..Thats all I can write for now,my brain hurts!!lollol Any feed back back would be appreciated
Comment by David Velasquez on March 21, 2010 at 2:19pm
Sister Selena,

My apologies but I don't understand your question. Would you please rephrase it for me?

Are you saying you are a believer who is having trouble believing (If so, what are you finding hard to believe in) or an unbeliever who wants to believe.

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