All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Honestly, I was numb. But, now pain has dug a deeper hole in my my heart. I'm beyond numb now.


I don't want to hold a grudge against the neighbor. I keep getting flashbacks...those flashbacks reproduce a fear that it'll happen again. And, if she had it her way every cat in this house and any that come near her property would have a stomach full of posion. With that knowledge comes fear...


The enemy has attacked before, he's uped his attacks...


My parents...this family is endangered. Yet, if I say anything they'll be in even more trouble. Yet if nothing is said...


I thought I knew what God wanted me to do, or atleast an idea...I don't even know now.


How can I improve my relationship with Him when my brain doesn't really comprehend words in a book like the Bible? I understand certain books but mainly my comprehension isn't great for the Bible's wording....I understand things by music and visual aid.


I don't trust Him enough...have mercy sweet Jesus,have mercy! Oh, me of little faith...


I can't stand to see them destroy themselves...I'm waiting for the rapture. I can't wait to go finally be with Jesus.


So, much has come at me at once. It's so much to bear. The pain hurts even more. Listening to songs like Randy Travis' "Forever and Ever Amen" helps me...

I've grown so numb...I want to rest in His arms. I want this torment that is deep within my soul to end. To see His face, to cry on His shoulder and to be told "I understand, child....I love you."


My stupid self...there's a rage within me right now. Guilt, anger,confusion,anxiety,frustration, pain...I know what happens to people who join. Yet, I'm so helpless...I want to see Him and to release to Him my tears upon His caring shoulder...


Has so much happened in my life that I'm dieing inside or what is it? What's going on...It's hard to actually remember a day in my life ever since I was really little that was actually normal...things were good when I was like around 3 or 4. After seems like ever since I was in Mrs. R.'s class...that's when my life stopped being normal.


I miss my old home yet I'm eager for my new Home....I moved when I was like 2 or 3. In my old home so many people were still living. So, much hadn't happened yet. I actually, as far as I know, was happy. No dead cats (although we had a really nasty neighbor in a big yellow dress who liked to yell out her front door), and mom had  lost contact with the JW's for possibly atleast a few years...I'm eager for my new Home because...


Do you think after the rapture Jesus will let us have a nice big cry? Possibly to be held by Him and cry on His shoulder...


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Comment by feet breath on June 18, 2012 at 11:17pm

I'm now officially ether dead inside or extreamly close to it. It's to the point of being traumitized...


I was outside getting air. I like to talk to God at night looking up at the beautiful dark blue sky. Looking at the stars. Here comes this big orange cat, like usual anymore...Anyways, I turned around. Naturally! It had to go run for her property (why can't it go to the nice ex-cop and his wife's property that live on the other side of our house?) It's my fault it went on her property...if it wasn't for me...


To make matters worse I hear this mournful, sounded like cry of death coming from a cat....I hope the cat was just fightening an ally cat...but it really didn't sound like it. It reminds me sort of the sound of the black cat that died in the wee hours of the was with it. I was in the other room but I heard it....


It better not have been better not have been...I want to cry...


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