All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

in my last post, i talked about something seen on social media that ended with the words: this is what a real Christian sounds like
but i went on to explain a little about how that statement (in that context) was wrong.

It reminds me of a time i finished watching "hacksaw ridge" at my sister's house (the movie with the capable andrew garfield as an SDA* pacifist), wherein as the credits rolled and the music swelled on an emotional note demonstrating the lengths one man would go to show compassion despite the adversity of his beliefs, she remarked on the spirituality behind his motivation, and i think admiring it to some degree, and i felt a need to point out to her that none of that would save his soul.
"What?" she retorted. "You don't think he'll go to heaven?"
"not unless he found his way to Christ;" trying to make the point that nothing we do down here matters for that. i don't think she got it. 

i've gotten a little off track; but because i've been let down by the beliefs of a former president it takes a whole country to reestablish my faith in internet factoids. here i found another meme ending with a casual, if not downright smug, line; but this one is actually true.
and i wish we, the real body of Christ, had such a reputation. that's Japan for you. i sigh waiting for a day when he'll lift this cycle of expectation and disappointment i feel every time i look at the world — knowing full well it'll stay like this until He returns.

but in the meantime, can we strive to be known for showing deliberate compassion like that?

- Anna and Co.

*i had originally posted this after writing from memory, but my editor has informed me of a mistake wherein i originally referred to andrew garfield's characater (based on the real life desmond t. doss) as a Latter Day Saint, but he was apparently raised as a Seventh Day Adventist — though neither of these truly follow Christ we aim to respect human individuals in their choices as we are called to do so by God. Please pray for your fellow earth inhabitants lost to the myriad of cults and beliefs in this world. pray that they are elected by God and eventually gifted the mercy of Christ, which none of us deserve, but He so freely gives. Amen.

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