All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I dreamed last once again about the strange man who presents himself to me and pulls me from the unrelenting crowd who wishes to have him for themselves and shows me that I am his chosen one. Last night as I eagerly entered sleep, I saw this man again. I say "eagerly entered" because it is my dreams which God and Jesus have chosen to often speak directly to me. In this dream, there was a man who was strong and beautiful, in high demand by the females in the crowd. They cried out to him and waved their hands, making mockeries of themselves to no avail in order to gain the acknowledgment of this one man who stood out from any other. He was beautiful, passionate by nature and a magnificent presence. At once, he pulled me from the crowd and he took my hand and we ran away to a place of solitude to be alone, letting me know that he had chosen me for his companion. This wasn't to be a romantic relationship, but a passionate and loving one unlike any I'd ever known. I only remember true love coming from him. I felt like this was the kind of love I'd been seeking my whole life.

I have been visited by Jesus several times in my dreams. And each time, He pulls me from the crowd and makes it known that He has chosen me because I do not care for the ways of the world. He needs someone with pure intent when it comes to matters of the soul. I believe that I was visited once again by Him last night but I wondered why He would be showing me this same scenario again. Then I came across the "Tortured For Christ" website and discovered an incredible story of a man who survived 14 years of torture and darkness under the earth simply because he was a Christian in a communist country. This man's faith is a testimony to the love and passion of our Lord Jesus. Unlike any I've ever known. It motivates me to stay the course no matter what this country is headed for and seek to know that faith and love that this man had found under them most vile of circumstances. As he told his story, his face glowed with joy and he conveyed that passion to his audience and continues to do the same today, even after his death.

During his story, he spoke of a day when he was visited in his cell by the Lord Himself. Jesus asked him,

"What is your name?"

Many fears went through the man's mind as he pondered whether or not to tell Jesus that his name was, in fact Richard. He replied to Jesus,

"Jesus, I have no name. Allow me to bear Your name."

"For this is what He really wishes for us," Richard stated.

He goes on to say:

"Paul understood it. Not 'I live.' Not the old Paul. Not a new Paul. Not the wicked Paul who has been a murderer. Nor the new Paul who is an apostle. Not the wicked and full of vices, not the very good and full of virtues. The 'I' has been abolished. Not 'I live' but 'it is Christ who lives in me.'"

So when I heard this, I wondered about my dream and had a revelation....

The man in my dream was Jesus! And the reason He came to me was to let me know that He wants to give me His name! His beautiful and glorious name.......for I am a portion of the Bride and He is our Groom. How perfect!

I sooo love it when He visits. It is never without a lesson to be learned or fact known. Never with an absence of true and perfect love.

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