All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

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We were deep in discussion when she stopped, put both hands squarely down on the lunch table in an emphatic manner and said, “I do trust God—really I do. But I struggle with letting go of the anxiety and sometime fear. I'm wondering if you can help me??” 

“Yes, I believe I can; in fact, I know I can - if you are willing to do your part," I replied, looking into her hazel eyes.

Friend, it is impossible to trust someone you do not know; there is no trust without relational equity. Same with God--we cannot trust the God whose name we profess if we do not know him or communicate with him. 

Check out this guy's 'come to Jesus' moment:

 ---It became clear to me several years ago that every time I would wake up, morning after morning, my heart would automatically take me in one direction or another. My heart was like a compass needle, immediately seeking North to my true desires, worries and fears. My mind would immediately go to things that weighed on me, and these thoughts revealed something true of me. I am a worrier.

Instead of getting up and putting on a robe, my heart would awakening and put on worry. I often worried before I went to bed and, like a close traveling companion, worry would revisit me upon waking… Worry is when our fears move us into our autonomy and away from faith so that we believe that we cannot take our eyes off the problem for fear that no one, including God, will attend to it. The essence of worry is distrust in God, which is the intention of the heart trained in worry.1

Ah worry, there it is. . . the need for control and the accompanying illusion that we might possibly effect some change simply by thinking about it. Note: there is a key word in the last sentence: intention. 

What if we, by intention, did something different upon awakening? 

Consider Paul’s strong urging: "I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God..." Ah, the same phrase that I memorized from the King James Version says, "I beseech ye therefore brethren, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice..." I love that. Paul continues "to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.2 Truth: we can by intention attend our days differently, starting with our morning wake-ups. We can apprehend our thoughts and by intention ‘present ourselves to God’ first, before anything else is set upon our hearts and minds. 

Here's help for my lunch friend, for you and for me - we can offer God the daily Prayer of Intention something like this: 

Good morning, Lord, I am here, I present myself to you. Before I do anything else, I first want to be with you before other things crowd you out of my schedule.3

Come Lord Jesus and remind me Who You Are. [be intentionally still a moment]. . .Good Shepherd, Savior, unfailing Friend. Come, Holy Spirit, quicken my heart.

[Recall to mind this promise of the Father]: Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.4

In view of that, Father,

Give ear to my words, consider my meditation.

Give heed to the voice of my cry, my King and my God,

For to You I will pray. My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord;

In the morning I will direct it to You, and I will look up.5

Empty me of me, dear Lord, I pray, and fill me anew with your Holy Spirit.

Hear my requests, Lord:

--that You would forgive me of my sins: my self-centered thinking, my lack of

gratitude to You, and _______, and _______,

--would you give me Your wisdom and lead me, dear Shepherd?

I pray, Lord,

--for those who are far from you, names: ______ ______ _______

--for those who need your healing: _______ _______ _______

--for those who just need mercy: _______ _______ ________

Thank you, God, that you know what I need before I ask, yet You bid me come, stay awhile with you, rest in you.

Thank you, Lord, that you invite me to come to You--that You will rest my heart, mind and soul.I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever. I will thank you forever, because you have done it. I will wait for your name, for it is good, in the presence of the godly.7

And now Father, I go confidently into this day, with intention presenting myself to You. I long to carry praise and worship of You in my heart all day, issuing forth thoughts and words that honor You, and a pleasing attitude, too.

In Your mighty and merciful name I pray, Jesus.


Song? of course:


Be intentional each morning, Friends.

Present yourself first thing, straight away, to the Father~

1 – Where Prayer Becomes Real, Kyle Strobel and John Coe, Baker Books.

2 – Romans 12.1, esv

3 – Where Prayer Becomes Real, p. 121

4 – Isaiah 41.10

5 – Psalm 5.1-3, nkjv

6 – Matthew 11.28-29

7 – Psalm 52.8-9

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