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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


ACTS 14:7-10

   The man was not healed because PAUL was an apostle, he was not healed by Paul's faith, The man had FAITH,


  Paul did three things:

     1. Preached the WORD.

    2.  Percieved the man had faith to be healed,

    3.  Told the man to rise up and walk.


  Man dis three things:

   1. Heard Paul speak.

  2.  He had faith to be healed.

  3.  He leaped and walked


 He was not healed by some power Paul had. He had FAITH to be healed.


 How did he get FAITH to be healed,? v9. What did Paul speak? v7.


 ACTS 8: 4-8

 It all came about preaching Christ.


 mARK 5:25-34

 Where did this woman get FAITH to receive healing ? When she has heard.......


 Hearing the WORD causes FAITH to come.

 Actong on the word (faith) causes the answer to come.


 Hebrew 11: 1

 Moffats : Now FAITH means that we are confident of what we hope for, convinced of what we do not see.


 ........ FAITH is giving substance to things hoped for.


 There are different kinda of FATIH.

  * Natural human faith

  * Bible faith


 There is difference between believing with your heart and just believing what your physical senses tell you,


 FAITH is grasping the unrealities of hope and bringing them into the realm of reality. FAITH grows out of the WORD  of GOD,

 FAITH wil say about itself everything that the WORD says. FAITH in GOD is FAITH in the WORD.







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