All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Here is what a real conversation with God can look like :) I wrote this on March 13th 2010

Dear God,

Thank you for all that you have given me I know that without you I cannot do anything.

After coming from church last night I have been thinking a lot about going through hardships to help me become the person that you want me to be

My child nothing that I do will harm you

I know all I plan all and I will never leave you during the times that I know you will struggle through

Thank you so much lord god

God, because you have decided it was time for my brother to go back to you I can only thank you so much for allowing me to live and grow with my brother for the years that I had
with him. He loved me so much and I love
him so much yes I miss him but I have learned that when death comes I should
not fear in letting go but rather be happy for the time that was shared with
the person because it gets harder to leave when people are sad about you

So the tears that fall from my face are not tears of madness or hatred but rather of how much fun I had with my brother, how much time we spent together how many memories we built together

Jun I love you so much

Thank you for letting go early on it helped me to not be afraid of God

God is loving and kind

Its not about us its about what god wants us to do and that is to love

Lord god please use me as beauty of your love in the eye of many

I am nothing without you

My child you will be tested so be ready I will break you down to fill you up so be prepared do not worry I will not burden you with things that you cannot handle everything is in my hand all you have to do is

Do not be lazy, do your work, study hard, but most importantly pray

Give thanks and love your parents they will need you a lot, soon. especially your mom she will feel lonely at times so go to her and comfort her because you shall be a channel of
my love for her to receive.

Remember my child that I have created all humans to love one another and to enjoy the presence of one another. I only want the best for my creations so be happy and go forth spreading the love

Lord God, May I have your blessings to become an RA, though I may not get the position I will still

Lord God, I trust in you. I faith and I do not worry so lord please hear my prayer

Please please please heal my nephew Rey Jr. Grant peace upon my family during the moment that they will be going through I cannot be there physically but I am here praying to you in spirit so that through you I may
give my support lord god please don’t let anything harmful come from this
situation take away the evils that may come and pester, lord

I ask that you watch over my brother rey and his girlfriend veronica that you bless their relationship and that you give them the strength need to overcome the adversity that will help them to come closer to you o
lord…..nothing painful comes from god
nothing painful come from you o lord so please take away any of the pain
that my nephew is going through and help him,…please send down your angels and
to give the assistance that doctors and nurses need to heal my nephew…..please
lord hear my prayer and grant unto what is most fit for the situation I would
love to grow old with seeing my nephews and nieces grow also….Lord I give it
all up to you everything is in your hands so please take care of me and my
family send us your blessings and deliver us from evil..Im scared

God I can feel the tears that want to come down my face but I know that you will help me and that everything will be okay in the end because I have faith.

Its not about me but only you so work through me o lord.

I know that only you know me in and out and I will fall but you will be there to pick me right back up. I love you GOD always and forever I will never give up no matter what people say.

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