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T he Resurrection of Jesus- The hope of a Dying world
Text: “But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the first fruit of those who have fallen asleep.
For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all shall be made alive.”I Corinthians’ 15:20-22
For centuries many of the world's distinguished philosophers have assaulted Christianity as being irrational, superstitious and absurd. Many have chosen simply to ignore the central issue of the resurrection. But without Jesus History cannot make its stand. History is remembered with the sole name of Jesus Christ. Without Jesus there is no history. “As someone said, “History is His Story” (God’s story). Our world of today needs peace, a savior, light and life. If there is someone who can fulfill this is Jesus Christ alone, because He is the source and above all He is risen and Alive today. Jesus gives us the hope. But How?

1. Peace Imparted through resurrection: The world need s peace. There is peacelessness around the world today. Nations wants to make peace with each other, but there’s no one that is able to give peace. People are trying education, modern machines, medicines and therapies. People are seeking psychological guidance and money but nothing is able to provide peace. In todays world news says doctors, scientist, engineer, students, farmers, politicians, common people are committing suicide. Why? No peace in their lives! Is there any hope for our nation, society, family and individual lives? Yes, Jesus Christ is the only Hope. Bible says, Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace. Jesus Himself said, “I give you the peace which the world doesn’t give”…Come to the prince of Peace, you will find it and enjoy it.
2. A savior who conquered death through resurrection: The world needs a savior- today every nation in the world is seeking for a powerful leader to save their nation from enemies. Lives of the people are in terror with so much of terrorism all around. We cannot find an able leader to save us from all wars, enemies, natural disasters such as tornadoes, floods, tsunamis, etc., from sickness and diseases; from pain and suffering; from hunger and death. Above all sin. Is there someone who can save us? Yes, the hope is, Jesus Christ who is the savior of this world. Bible says, He came to save us from Sin and all troubles of life. 2000 years back He came and lived among people and died on the cross to save us from our sins, now He is coming the second time to destroy our enemy, Satan and to take us to a safe place called heaven. He will be the king. If you believe in Jesus, even in this terror striked world He will keep you safe and save you from all troubles of life and all your enemies.
3. Human Lives enlightened through the Resurrection: The world is filled with darkness, the reason I say this is because every bad thing happening in today world is happening in the darkness. Murders, theft, adultery & prostitution; corruption; brutal activities are happening in the darkness and behind the screens. The reason is no light. Where there is no light people would stumble and fall. Are you looking for the light?
Jesus said, “I am the Light of the world, if anyone would follow me they would never walk in darkness.” Bible says, “in the beginning was the light, and the light was the life of man. But people loved darkness, so they lost their life. If there is light all things will be in order, all things will be in peace. If our lives are filled with light, then we will be victorious. If you believe in Jesus, the light will shine upon your life and you will become a shining light for God.
4. Life imparted to humanity through resurrection:
In today world more people are dying than more people are born. Death scourges all hopes of humanity. Sin entered human lives and brought death. We are not sure when we will die. Our lives are not secure in this polluted and terror stricken world. We have only one life and we want to live long. But it’s not possible. Death has become our enemy. Every where there are deaths. Is there any hope? Yes, in Jesus. Who said, “I am the resurrection and life, if anyone believes in me though they die yet shall they live” John11:25. When Jesus was raised from the death on the third day, he defeated death and paved the way for us to have life, and eternal life. He became the way for us to go to heaven.
My dear friend is this dying, peace less, terrorizing, hopeless, darkened world we cannot live anymore. If at all we live we need Jesus. Who is the Hope, to give us light against darkness; peace against peacelessness; a savior against all our enemies, troubles, problems of life; and a life against death. Trust in Him.
He is Alive Today! Jesus is the Victory! He is not in the grave He is risen!
Remember, if you believe in Jesus, you no longer live but you live through the life of Christ, who had defeated & overcome death. God Bless You!
Up from the Grave He Arose!
God released him from the horrors of death and raised him back to life again, for death could not keep him in its grip.
Acts 2:24 NLT
Happy Easter

For His Commission
Pastor Ratan

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