Our heavenly Father is showering us with the morning dew, and the kiss of loves first Light. The pledge of a new day; full of promises, of an intimate walk with the Father... as first Light streams in through the windows. It is just the heavenly Father calling to us; Beckoning to us, to come, and to just be with Him, to love Him, and then He will show us" So" much Love as has never been felt, nor ever experienced before, that transcends since before the beginning of time... *Good Morning my dearly beloved child; I am here with You, and I will never leave you, nor forsake you. Awaken from your deep slumber my child. Walk along beside me, converse with me, I want to share all of your past, and present with you; Your trials, your pain, your sadness; your grief...
Then I shall l wipe every tear from your eyes. And I will show you such an Eternity, one thats filled with every good, every desirable, every decent thing; beyond your imagining. For my Lord in the heavenly rhelm says so, and if the Creator of all things loves you this much; then how much more will my Lord God whos love for you which reaches from the beginning into eternity;...How much more will my Father Love you than this, but with an all consuming all enveloping love that burns so completely, so absolutely ?
Tell me of Your Hopes, your Fears, and Your Dreams...
All I ask is that You Love me, and if you seek me early in the morning; then will you be able to face the days works with Courage; for I will be with you through it all.
And when the world becomes too much for you to bear; when you feel there is no longer any meaning in life, and can no longer go on, Its is I who will be there; It is I who will carry you through the storms, despair, and the loneliness. I will be there with you, I will never leave you nor forsake you. I will be with you every step of the way.
You have Only to call upon my name, and love me, and I shall wrap you in an embrace of Love So Deep; So Pure, You'll never desire, nor want to leave me. For I am Your Father, I am the door; No one shall enter into the Kingdom; but through me; and I care with a passion so strong, so intense... for you are precious to me my darling child.
For I delight in your happiness, and even when you turn from me; I am here waiting patiently for your return, For you see my delight is your salvation. I am waiting for you ...
In His Light,
Original post:Jan 15th, 2009 at 10:30 am MST/MDT
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